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Virus incidents surge, Los Angeles at “dangerous stage”


Coronavirus cases have surged to record levels in the Los Angeles area

Los Angeles-Coronavirus cases have surged to record levels in the Los Angeles area, putting the country’s largest county in a “warning and dangerous stage,” overwhelming the intensive care unit if not reversed, and more thorough May result in closure. health Officials said Wednesday.

It is unclear that the organizers of the Rose Parade in Pasadena in 2021 canceled the tradition of New Year’s Day for the first time in 75 years due to anxiety, and even after 6 months’ infection, dozens of routes connecting participants with the route. Infection can spread to everyone.

The move led to Gavin Newtham of California closing down bars and indoor dining across the state, closing down hair salons, gyms, malls and other indoor businesses experiencing the largest surge of viral cases in Los Angeles and other counties. It happened two days after I ordered.

Barbara Ferrer, director of public health in Los Angeles County, where 10 million people live, says further restrictions are “under consideration” if the trendline continues to show that hospitals can be overwhelmed. It was.

“Do you want to go back to a safer order at home, shutting everything down again? Absolutely no one wants to go back there,” Ferrer said. She said people need to wear masks and maintain social distance to slow their spread.

Los Angeles County, home to a quarter of the state’s population, reported an increase of 2,758 confirmed cases and 44 deaths on Wednesday. The county’s total death toll is less than 4,000.

There are 11,126 new cases on Wednesday in the state, with 140 deaths, the second highest total daily.

The infection rate of patients tested in LA County is rising, now around 10%, and the average of three-day inpatients is above 2,000 for the first time. Ferrer called it “a vigilant and dangerous step” for the county.

In response, county officials said Wednesday that they are in a low-income community that has significantly expanded testing of the most needed people, primarily blacks and Hispanics, and constitutes an extremely large number of cases and deaths. It was

San Francisco, meanwhile, said it would continue to delay the resumption of some businesses due to the surge in infections in cities, where the number of positive cases per 100,000 rose to nearly 8%. The goal is to keep it at about 2%, said public director Dr. Grant Colfax. health..

“Unfortunately, we are experiencing a surge of COVID-19 infections that are impacting community health and rehabilitation plans,” he said. “As a result, we must continue to suspend the resumption plan until the situation improves.”

Despite the recent increase, San Francisco has a population of approximately 900,000, surprisingly good during the pandemic, with a total of 4,696 deaths and 50 deaths as of Wednesday.

The city has maintained some of the strictest measures in the state since March 17, when shelter-in-place orders for the San Francisco Bay Area began. Unlike most other counties, indoor dining, hair salons, nail salons, barbers, museums, gyms, and other businesses consider themselves at high risk of viral infections.


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