Heart Disease Guide: Types, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 647,000 Americans die of heart disease each year, for a total death rate of one in four. This is the leading cause of death in the United States.
Heart disease includes a variety of heart health problems. For example, you may know someone who has had a heart attack, but this is just one of many types of heart disease. In most cases, heart disease has no obvious symptoms and can be difficult to recognize.
However, regular doctor visits can help you understand your risk of heart disease and prevent serious health complications. This is what you need to know.
Heart disease is a set of conditions that directly affects the myocardium or the surrounding arteries that supply the heart with blood. Multiple types of heart disease can occur together, and having one increases your risk of developing another heart disease.
Arrhythmias are when the heart rate or rhythm is irregular. Heart rate is controlled by the sinus node. This is a group of cells at the top of the heart that send electrical signals to keep your heart beating properly.
Normal, Normal resting heart rate About 60 bpm to 100 bpm. If it is consistently high or low, the heart’s electrical system may be malfunctioning.
These are the two main types of arrhythmias:
- Tachycardia.. This is when the heart beats too fast. It features a resting heart rate of 100 bpm or more. Atrial fibrillation, or AFibIs the most common type, CDC, Has about 2.7 to 6.1 million US adults.
- Bradycardia.. This is when the heart beats too slowly. It features a resting heart rate of 50 bpm or less. However, bradycardia can be a sign of health, as elite athletes often have a low resting heart rate of 40 bpm.
Coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease, also known as Ischemic heart disease, When your coronary artery is damaged over time. It is the most common type of heart disease, CDC, It resulted in over 365,000 deaths in 2017.
Normally, the coronary arteries carry blood to the heart and supply oxygen and important nutrients. But Coronary heart disease It occurs when cholesterol builds up and narrows these arteries (a process called arteriosclerosis), which blocks blood flow to the heart.
heart attack
A heart attack, or myocardial infarction, occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked and damages the heart muscle. by CDC, In the US, someone has a heart attack every 40 seconds.
About 14% of heart attacks are fatal. Heart attacks are usually less dangerous than cardiac arrest, which is 89% fatal. Read more about Difference between heart attack and cardiac arrest here.
Often Signs of a heart attack, such as:
- Chest pressure discomfort or severe, often in the center
- This chest discomfort is usually paired with pain in the neck, throat, jaw, or left arm
Everyone can feel these main symptoms of a heart attack, but women are more likely to experience other, more subtle symptoms. This graph analyzes the differences in signs of heart attack between men and women:
You or someone you know Have a heart attackCall 911 for immediate medical attention.
However, about 20% of heart attacks have no apparent symptoms. this is Silent heart attack — And you may not notice it completely.
Congenital heart disease
Congenital heart disease It’s when you were born with a heart defect. There are different types, but primarily as a result of poorly developed heart valves or blood vessels in the uterus.
by CDC, Approximately 1.4 million American adults and 1 million children live with congenital heart disease. People with congenital heart disease do not always show symptoms, but doctors look for signs such as: Murmur, Or abnormal blood flow through the heart for diagnosis.
heart failure
heart failureOr, congestive heart failure is a condition in which your heart’s function deteriorates over time and no longer pumps blood efficiently. It often occurs in people with coronary heart disease who have ignored treatment for years.
But heart failure does not mean that your heart has stopped beating. by CDCAbout 6.5 million American adults live in this condition.
Most often, heart disease develops without obvious symptoms. Therefore, it is important to visit your doctor for a routine check-up so that you can determine if you may be at risk.
In fact, the signs of a heart attack may be the only symptom of heart disease. However, some people may feel less oppressive chest pain at other times. this is AnginaAnd, it often happens after physical exertion and gets worse over time as your heart disease progresses.
But, Find out if chest pain is serious It is a symptom of heart disease. For example, indigestion and heartburn, anxiety, Can cause chest pain, which can be mistaken for angina or heart attack.
To Find out if you have heart disease, It is important to understand the risk factors. Overall, the two main Causes of heart disease High blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the force of blood to be pushed out, hardening the arteries and reducing blood flow to the heart. About 70% of people who have a first heart attack have high blood pressure. More about the risks of High blood pressure here.
Doctor can measure Blood pressure measurement By regular inspection. These numbers help show the risk of developing heart disease.
High cholesterol It can also limit blood flow in a condition called atherosclerosis. This is the accumulation of plaque in the arteries. Atherosclerosis is one of the leading causes of coronary artery disease, the most common type of heart disease.
The following factors, which can lead to high blood pressure or cholesterol, significantly increase the risk of heart disease.
- Lack of exercise. Maintaining a heartbeat is important. Without regular exercise, a sedentary lifestyle increases blood pressure and cholesterol, making heart disease more likely.
- Unhealthy diet. Eating saturated and trans-fat, and sodium-rich foods can increase blood pressure and cholesterol. Also often Skipping meals like breakfast can be bad for your heart.
- Alcohol use.. Drink excessive amounts Alcohol can adversely affect your heartHowever, moderate use may have some benefits for heart health.
- smoking.. Tobacco use is one of the major predictors of heart disease. And while the jury is still out What Marijuana Does To Your MindExperts believe that smoking any substance increases the risk.
- Chronic stress. with time, Stress may contribute to a heart attack.. Sudden stress can also cause Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, which feels like a heart attack, but the arteries are not actually blocked.
- Lack of sleep. Get consistent Sleeping less than 7 hours each night may increase your risk of heart disease..
- Genetics.. Hypertension is affected by genetics, High cholesterol is often completely hereditary, Also known as familial hypercholesterolemia.
Other underlying health conditions-etc obesity, Diabetes, kidney disease-also increases the risk of heart disease.
Even if many of these risk factors are present, it’s not too late Prevent heart disease.. The best way to do this is Lowers blood pressure And Lowers cholesterol.. Method is as follows.
- Regular exercise. Aim for 30-60 minutes of physical activity every day. A combination of stretching exercises, strength training, and cardio is recommended throughout the week.
- Lose weight. Excessive weight makes your heart more difficult. In fact, reducing as little as 5% to 10% of your weight lowers your cholesterol and blood pressure and reduces your heart strain.
- Eat healthier. Foods that help lower blood pressure Cholesterol includes leafy vegetables, whole grains, and fish. Both DASH diet And Mediterranean diet Recommended for heart health.
- Quit smoking. Studies show that smoking cessation can reduce your risk of heart disease by 39%.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for heart disease. However, once you have been diagnosed, there are many ways to treat your condition and manage a healthy life.
You should have regular physical activity, maintain a healthy weight, and have a diet plan and other lifestyle habits that control blood pressure and cholesterol.
Many people will also need the help of medication or surgery to prevent more serious health complications, or death.
These drugs are prescribed to treat various aspects of heart disease:
In advanced cases of heart disease, surgery may be needed to repair blocked arteries or arrhythmias. The most common and effective surgeries for heart disease are:
- Stent.. This small tube is placed to hold and open the artery during angioplasty. Angioplasty is a small surgical procedure often used to restore blood flow. After a heart attack.. Follow our guide Preparing for stent surgery And Recover from procedure.
- pacemaker.. This small device is implanted in the chest and sends electrical signals to the heart to correct abnormalities. It may be needed if you have an arrhythmia such as bradycardia or a slow heartbeat.
- Bypass surgery.. Coronary artery bypass graft, or bypass surgery, is used to redirect blood flow around an occluded artery. This is one of the most common surgery in the United States and is used to treat coronary heart disease. Follow our guide Preparation for bypass surgery And Recover from procedure.
Heart disease is the largest killer in the United States, but it doesn’t have to be. It is important to take heart health seriously to reduce the risk of serious health complications.
This means that you should consult your doctor regularly for blood pressure and cholesterol levels and follow guidelines for a healthy heart lifestyle. Medical professionals know how to fight heart disease, and by following these recommendations, you can do it too.
This article Medically reviewed Along John Osbourne, MD, PhD, and Dallas-based Dean of Cardiology Heart disease status..
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