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Arizona Calls In Nearly 600 Out-of-State Nurses To Help Hospitals With COVID Patients | Arizona Coronavirus


PHOENIX (3TV / CBS5)- With the surge of COVID-19 cases in Arizona, health professionals have been calling on Governor Ducy for additional support in the hospital for several weeks.

On Wednesday, the state announced that aid was approaching. Arizona officials at medical services have said they are calling for nearly 600 emergency medical and surgeons from the state to assist staff hospitals in surge plans. This is made possible through a partnership with Vizient, Inc.

Travel Nurse Explains Comparison of New York and Arizona Hospitals

The state will also implement the bill for them at no cost to the hospital for up to 6 weeks, as they close the personnel gap.

Doctors have made it clear that hospitals cannot meet the demand. “I am preparing to return to the hospital. I was asked to cover the weekend night shift,” said Dr. Andrew Carroll, a family medicine specialist.

Dr. Carroll said she was called to Banner Hospital to help COVID-19 patients. But he said the state announcement on Wednesday was hopeless… and helped. “I think this is a great opportunity to get a hospital. You don’t have to worry about the financial side of hiring an expensive and moonlit nurse,” he said.

State requests assistance from out-of-state nurse

State requests assistance from out-of-state nurse

Health officials admitted that Arizona was in distress and reported that the hospital was only Wednesday, with about 3,500 hospitalized COVID patients and 900 COVID patients in the ICU.

The state said the hospital would fill out an application and prioritize staffing based on patient referrals through the Arizona surge line.

Dr. Carroll said that ICU nurses tended to have at most 2 patients per day and severe COVID-19 patients to 2 patients per day, but due to lack of staff, many patients had 3 or Supports 4 patients.

Carroll said the support brought in was a step in the right direction. “We are finally making a meaningful move in the sense of treating patients who already have COVID. But this is not the time to give up the front-end opportunity and prevent further transmissions.” Said.

One of the areas that still needs significant improvement is the time required for COVID test results in Arizona. Waiting up to 10 days is dangerous and will make contact tracking nearly impossible, Dr. Carroll said.

Banner told Family in Arizona on Wednesday. To date, they have taken up with nearly 750 travel nurses and medical staff to support the influx of COVID patients, but said they needed more and would submit their needs to the state.

AZDHS continues to spread the coronavirus to Arizonas by physically keeping them away, wearing masks in public places, washing their hands well with soap and water, and staying home when ill. We ask you to play a preventive role.


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