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Findings suggest older siblings may help build a baby’s defenses against allergies

Findings suggest older siblings may help build a baby’s defenses against allergies



Erin Tucker never leaves home without multiple Epipens, Ventolin and other life-saving medications for her son Flynn.

The 5-year-old was diagnosed with milk and egg allergies at 2 months of age, and later developed nut, sesame and latex allergies and asthma.

He had 12 anaphylactic reactions.

“Nothing we do is spontaneous and requires a lot of planning,” Tucker said.

“If you want to go out for the weekend or take a day trip, we are always doing a risk assessment of how close the location is to an ambulance or a hospital for quick intubation.

“We have to take all his food with us wherever we go.”

Mr. Tucker said that such logistics planning became easier over time.

“But the hardest part is calling an ambulance and praying to God,” she says.

Flynn’s sister, Zoe, has also been diagnosed with an allergy, but Tucker said it wasn’t as widespread or severe as it is.

Mr. and Mrs. Tucker think it may be because of Flynn.

The missing piece of the food allergy puzzle

Researchers have known for more than 30 years that children from large families are less likely to develop allergic diseases, but the potential reasons for this have remained a mystery.

Researchers from Barwon Health, Deakin University, and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute used long-term data from the Barwon Infant Study to show how older siblings can speed up development of babies’ gut microbiota and protect against allergic disease. demonstrated that

The Barwon Infant Study has been running since 2010 and collects information from over 1,000 mother-infant pairs in the Geelong area recruited from birth to study childhood developmental milestones.

Prof Buiramin says it’s likely that the siblings share the germs with their young babies, building up their immune system.()

The researchers used poop samples to measure the infant’s gut bacteria and tested for allergies to five different foods at one year of age.

The survey results are Published in Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunologyparticipants with older siblings were shown to have more mature gut microbiota by the age of 1 year.

“We still don’t know exactly why that’s happening, but what’s probably happening is that we’re all constantly infecting each other with bacteria,” said study leader Peter Vuillermin, a Barwon Health pediatrician. It means that we share the

“What we found very clearly was that the more siblings children had at one year of age, the lower the risk of food allergies,” said Professor Vilarmin.

Emad El Omar, director of the Microbiome Research Center in New South Wales, said newborns experience a “transitional microbiome” as they come into contact with more sources of bacteria.

“It’s kind of a precarious period because the baby continues to be exposed to the environment, other members of the family, pets and many other different things,” said Professor El Omar.

“Obviously, more members living together will increase the diversity of the microbiome even more.”

Professor Emad El Omar says a more diverse microbiome is usually correlated with better protection against allergy symptoms.()

Professor El Omar said Australians are increasingly aware of the impact of microbiome and gut health on overall mental and physical health.

“From my experience with people here, I’m really, really excited about the fact that there’s a growing awareness of gut health in general. We all know gut health is involved. he said.

“Thanks to the excellent research underway in Australia, we are always aware of what is happening around the world and we will benefit greatly over the next five years.”

Scientists hope to develop their findings further in trials

Researchers are currently recruiting more than 2,000 children across Australia and New Zealand for clinical trials based on findings from the Barwon Infant Study data.




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