Can ChatGPT answer my mental health questions?
Want answers to your mental health questions? You can get it on your computer or mobile phone.
Artificial intelligence programs like ChatGPT, and even older versions like Siri and Alexa, make it easy to anonymously tell non-humans how you feel and get a response.
Researchers and mental health professionals warn that mental health care is becoming less human as more people rely on technology and become accustomed to different types of virtual mental health services.
Kate Hicks, executive director of NAMI Central Texas, a local chapter of the National Mental Illness Alliance, said the response has not been bad. “It’s never a psychologist.”
Digital mental health technology has been around since the mid-1960s, said Dr. John Taurus, a Harvard professor and director of digital psychiatry at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Massachusetts. There’s a reason human mental health professionals haven’t been replaced, he says.
Can AI solve access to mental health issues?
The United States and Texas are in short supply of healthcare providers, especially those with health insurance. Hicks said it is particularly difficult to find treatments locally for children under the age of 12.
A 2023 survey by the nonprofit Mental Health America ranked Texas last for access to care.
The survey found that 29.8% of adults with mental illness in Texas said they were out of care, and 74.9% of children with major depression said they were out of care. Among Texas children with private insurance, 74.9% had insurance that did not fully cover mental health.
Regarding mental health apps and AI, “What excites everyone is that they are scalable,” Taurus says. “We can serve everyone.”
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Why do people prefer ChatGPT for mental health?
Hicks said the anonymity of using AI to ask questions about mental health is comfortable and that people may feel ashamed and unwilling to confide in family members, especially parents under the age of 18. explained.
“People always have their own implicit biases,” Hicks said. “ChatGPT has no personal prejudices. People feel safer.”
Research done on AI for mental health shows that these programs are good at learning skills such as those introduced in cognitive-behavioral therapy, but not as good at other types of therapy. .
A 2020 analysis of 12 studies on AI chatbots published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research found some evidence of improvement in people with depression, stress, and fear of heights, but not with anxiety. gave inconsistent results. He was the only two of the studies to conclude that chatbots are mentally safe.
But an AI-based program can’t put people into therapy, Taurus said. please think about it. If you had a general health program to exercise, eat vegetables, and get plenty of rest, would that make you do that? Taurus asks.
“If you put a mental health app on your phone, some people won’t use it,” he said. It might give you good information about resources and health conditions, but it’s kind of like Wikipedia. “It didn’t change my mental health,” he said. The problem is not access to information. access to quality mental health care.
Online programs and apps are useful in conjunction with therapy. Consider meditation apps like Breethe and Calm. They are not a replacement for mental health professionals, but they can help improve mental health if used.
AI programs like ChatGPT are designed to mimic someone talking to you, giving you a false sense of being connected to someone meaningful. “The biggest limitation is empathy,” Hicks says. “Computers can never empathize with you.”
Most people want human contact, Taurus said. “We live in a world where people feel isolated because of technology,” he says.
Another concern with technology is the sharing of personal information about individuals and how that information is shared.
Further help:Dell Medical School Launches Mental Health Line for Pediatricians to Care for Patients
Another technology challenge, Taurus said, is that “if you spend enough time with technology, you have the potential to trick it into saying horrible things.” “The psychiatrist and medical doctor in me says we don’t want to do any harm,” he said.
What should you do instead if you have a mental health crisis?
Many of the suggestions that ChatGPT, Siri, and Google are suitable for providing national resources
Hicks hopes people will remember the three numbers. 988 — a mental health crisis helpline launched last year to connect all local helplines to his one number. In Travis County, it connects directly to the Integral Care crisis helpline. A trained therapist will answer your phone call or text message.
Integral Care, the Austin Travis County mental health authority, is responding to mental health crisis helplines in 76 Texas counties. An on-call therapist connects you to resources where you live.
If a local person is in imminent danger, the call will be forwarded to the Austin Travis County Emergency Medical Paramedics Team or the Police, depending on the nature of the danger.
Calling 988 is confidential, even for children. If you’re under 18, you’ll need parental involvement if you need treatment, Hicks said.
Immediate care:Austin-Travis County Ambulance Develops Mental Health Crisis Medication That Can Avoid Ambulance Trips
What happens after the call?
988 connects people to resources, including providers of Integral Care for the uninsured or underinsured.
If you can’t find a trained mental health professional, talk to a general health care provider for care. Only a pediatrician can connect to her Child Psychiatric Access Network helpline for advice on how to provide care to patients who have not reached out to a mental health professional.
How can we prevent mental health crises?
Austin Public Health and Integrated Care, in partnership with the City of Austin and Travis County, launched a new resource program “Ask, Listen, Talk, Repeat” on its website. Provides parents and caregivers with resources on how to discuss mental health, spot the signs of mental health problems, and even improve their own mental health.
There is also a list of resources where you can get help.
Also, if you need immediate assistance, please consider contacting one of the following resources:
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). We offer 24/7 free and confidential support.
- Crisis Text Line: Text HOME 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor who can provide support via text message.
- Emergency Services: In case of imminent danger, call your local emergency services (911 in the US).
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