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Can wildfire smoke cause headaches? What you need to know

Can wildfire smoke cause headaches? What you need to know


Inhaling wildfire smoke can quickly give you a headache, according to the report. Centers for Disease Control and Preventionand short-term exposure to particulate matter from wildfires gain When you visit the emergency department because of a headache.

Dr. Raj Fadadu, a researcher at the University of California, said that while it’s not entirely clear why wildfire smoke causes headaches, one reason is that the smoke can alter the sensitivity of certain neurons, which could lead to headaches. may increase the risk of headache, he said. San Francisco Medical School, which studied the health effects of wildfire smoke.

If you have underlying lung disease, such as asthma, wildfire smoke can reduce oxygen levels and cause headaches, according to Dr. It is said that there is a possibility of becoming. Breathing wildfire smoke can cause inflammation, which itself can cause headaches.

If you’re outdoors in an area with poor air quality and you’re experiencing headaches, it’s likely a sign that you should head indoors, says Dr. Fadadu. To prevent headaches and other effects of smoke, people should limit the amount of time they spend outdoors and try to optimize indoor air quality, he said. If you have access to something like an air purifier with a HEPA filter, that helps. You should also avoid smoking and using e-cigarettes.

If you must go out, consider wearing a tight-fitting mask such as an N95. Wearing a mask indoors to reduce smoke exposure is not usually recommended, but if air quality appears to be poor, wearing a mask may reduce the risk of breathing contaminated air. and thus may address headache symptoms, Dr. Fadadu said.

The most effective treatment for headaches varies from person to person, but over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol and Advil can help. Dr. Fadadu said staying hydrated is also important. If possible, avoid looking at screens while the headache persists. At the very least, consider lowering your screen brightness to reduce eye strain. If the headache doesn’t respond to home remedies or if it’s getting more severe, he added, it might be better to go to an emergency center or emergency department.Your doctor may prescribe Stronger drugs for better pain management.

If you have underlying lung conditions and are experiencing headaches after being exposed to wildfire smoke, consider checking your oxygen levels and contacting your doctor, Dr. Galliatosatos said.

Headaches from wildfire smoke can also be caused by stress.a Ever-growing research content Environmental disturbances have a negative impact on mental health, showing that stress may contribute. tension headache, mild throbbing headache It is usually felt on both sides of the head.

The anxiety people might feel at the sight of an orange-tinted haze, or the very decision to wear a mask before leaving home, especially when people are not used to dealing with visible effects. On the east coast, it can contribute to headaches. Dr. Fadadu said it was because of the smoke from the wildfires.

“The ecological stress we see in wildfires is certainly a real phenomenon experienced by many people,” said Dr. Fadadu.




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