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Do supplements help me lose weight?

Do supplements help me lose weight?


A person holding a bottle of medicine.Share on Pinterest
Berberine, a natural dietary supplement, is gaining popularity on social media for its weight loss benefits.Simoncle/Getty Images
  • A supplement known as berberine has been hailed as “Nature’s Ozempic” for its weight loss benefits.
  • Berberine activates genes known as master regulators of mitochondrial biogenesis It also reduces the release of glucagon.
  • Studies have shown that berberine supplementation can help with weight loss.
  • Berberine has many side effects, including nausea and vomiting, and is not safe to use with many medications.

dietary supplement called Berberine Its weight loss benefits are gaining traction on social media, with some calling it “nature’s Ozempic.”

OzempicIt is a drug intended for use as type 2 diabetes Therapies have recently become a popular weight loss aid. However, there is a long list like this: side effectsand the demand for this drug has created supply problems, resulting in shortages for diabetics.

Internet users now claim that berberine can mimic the effects of popular weight loss drugs such as Ozempic and Ozempic. Wegs. So is berberine a better substitute?

Here we explore what you need to know about berberine, especially when using it as a weight loss aid.

Berberine is a natural compound found in plants such as barberry. golden seal, Tree Turmeric, Oregon Grape. It is associated with many health benefits, including weight loss, and is usually available in supplement form.

“Berberine does not have a comprehensive nutrient profile like vitamins and minerals, but it has been studied for its potential benefits. Blood sugar managementimproves insulin sensitivity, reduces obesity, supports cardiovascular health, and reduces inflammation,” says a registered nutritional therapist. Helen Parks.

“It exhibits a variety of biological activities and has been shown to have pharmacological effects such as dilating blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, regulating immunity, inducing penile erection, suppressing inflammation, and treating cancer. ’” she explains.

Berberine is available over the counter, but some practitioners prescribe berberine for conditions such as: weight lossespecially in people with insulin resistance, such as those with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes.

Berberine may be called ‘nature’s Ozempic’ online because of its weight loss benefits, but the two are very different.

“Berberine and GLP-1 Agonists such as Ozempic and Wegovy have some effect on body weight and work through different mechanisms,” Parkes explains. “GLP-1 agonists mimic the actions of a hormone called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and reduce food intake and appetite through enhanced insulin secretion, suppressed glucagon secretion, and slowed gastric emptying. will help.”

“On the other hand, berberine’s weight loss effects are believed to be mediated through a variety of pathways, including: Activating AMPK It also improved insulin sensitivity,” speculates Parkes.

Jane Mostofi, Nutritionist, Founder therapy kitchenwill explain in detail.

According to her, berberine activates a pathway in the body called AMPK. This pathway includes genes such as: PGC-1α It is known as a master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis and other genes that regulate energy and fat metabolism.

Activation of AMPK, in turn, increases glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity by cells.

Mostoufi says he also takes berberine increase insulin release It lowers the release of glucagon, both of which provide weight management benefits.

The weight loss benefits of Ozempic are well documented.

of clinical trialPatients who received 2.4 mg of semaglutide, the active ingredient in Ozempic, lost an average of 6% of their body weight after 12 weeks and 12% of their body weight after 28 weeks.

How effective is berberine?

“Studies have shown that berberine improves glycemic control, insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, fasting blood sugar, triglycerides and so-called “Bad” Cholesterol, especially in people with type 2 diabetes. All of these are very helpful when trying to reach an optimal healthy weight,” says Mostoufi.

one study A 2012 study found that consuming 500 milligrams of berberine three times a day resulted in an average weight loss of about 5 pounds and reduced body fat in participants by 3.6%.

on the other hand, review Of the 12 studies conducted in 2020, berberine consumption was found to significantly reduce weight, BMI, and abdominal fat.

So what do experts think is better for weight loss, berberine or Ozempic?

“These are not comparable products, so I see no reason to prefer one over the other. It’s an approved drug for patients and people battling diabetes.” Controlled Obesity [health care provider]’” Mostoufi points out.

Parks, however, points to a lack of research on berberine’s weight loss benefits as a concern.

“Arguments against taking berberine instead of Ozempic or Wegoby include the limited amount of high-quality human studies supporting berberine’s weight loss benefits,” she points out. “Although some studies suggest potential benefits, much of the existing research has been conducted in animals or in small human trials.”

Mostoufi said there are many contraindications regarding berberine safety.

For example, never take if you are pregnant or nursing. Do not use with prescription drugs such as oral contraceptives, immunosuppressants, beta-blockers, or antidepressants.

“This is because berberine can alter drug levels in the body, which can be dangerous,” warns Mostoufi.

Berberine should also not be taken continuously for more than 8 weeks without professional advice.

“Berberine is cute too.” strong antibacterial effect So if you take it the wrong way, it can wipe out all the good bacteria in your microbiome and cause other gut-related health problems,” Mostoufi explains.

There are many other side effects to watch out for, including:

Additionally, more research is needed on how berberine affects the human liver and kidneys.

Parks points out that judging the quality of supplements is not always easy.

“The quality and accuracy of supplement formulations varies, highlighting the importance of working with professionals who can guide individuals in choosing reliable and safe products,” she points out. .

Another concern is that simply taking supplements to lose weight doesn’t address the underlying lifestyle that caused the weight gain in the first place.

Supplements alone won’t help you understand your current diet and activity habits, encourage positive changes, or prioritize your overall health.

In other words, weight management is a little more complicated than just taking pills.

“Achieving a healthy weight is like a jigsaw puzzle. needs to be addressed and combined to do so,” concludes Mostoufi.




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