Bird flu hits Alaska again, prompting health advisories
Migratory birds are returning to Alaska, as is the highly pathogenic avian flu that began to overwhelm global bird populations in 2020.
That means Alaskans should remain vigilant for strains arriving in the state from both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, experts said at a conference. webinar Hosted by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Symposium’s Regional Environmental Monitoring Network on Tuesday.
Alaska’s geographic location at the confluence of the flight paths of various global bird species makes it a transmission zone for separate virus strains from both the eastern and western hemispheres.
“Alaska is in a unique position to have a mix of viruses from Asia and North America,” said January Frost of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The risk to people from this flu wave appears to be negligible. So far, there have been only a handful of human cases worldwide, and they have occurred among people who work closely with poultry, said Dr Andy Ramey. wildlife geneticist Avian influenza expert at the U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Science Center.
But for wild birds and other wild animals, it turns out to be a dangerous disease. The virus has killed 58 million chickens and other poultry in the United States, and nearly 7,000 wild birds. That includes various mammals, including foxes, coyotes, skunks and bears, according to the latest tally.
Ramey and Frost said this outbreak is very different from other avian flu because of its impact on wild birds.
“Years ago, hyperpathic avian flu was a poultry disease, and for some reason this highly pathogenic avian flu, these recent strains, have become very well adapted to wild birds,” Ramey said. mentioned highly pathogenic viruses. “We are really in uncharted waters, so to speak.”
Until now, it was thought that outbreaks were confined to poultry and wiped out in poultry, he said. “I don’t know if that still applies,” he said.
In Alaska, earlier this week, 232 wild birds, three foxes and two bears had been infected, Ramey said. These are cases of animals found dead or moribund and laboratory-confirmed highly pathogenic avian influenza infections.
That means these cases represent only a fraction of the impact in the natural environment, as most cases likely go unnoticed and unreported by people, Ramey said.
It is common for wild birds to carry a large number of influenza viruses, but usually Low pathogenicity According to the USGS, there are different types. Although less common, highly pathogenic virus, is so classified because it is easily transmitted within poultry flocks. They are of concern because they can kill large numbers of poultry and thus have a significant economic impact. To date, highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses have not been a major health concern for wild birds, despite their potential to be carriers and transcontinental.
For wild birds, the current flu danger is that vulnerable populations can suffer significant losses.For example this spring, some california condor killed by a virus.for endangered people number is only about 560the loss of several birds to the United States Department of Agriculture, Avian Influenza Immunization Program.
In Alaska, waterfowl are the most common victims of this flu. The top species with reported cases were mallards, bald eagles, crows, pintails, white gulls, teals, Canada geese, American wigeons, blunt gulls and Sabine gulls, Ramey and Frost said in their presentation.
of the Alaska Department of Environmental Protection running tally Confirmed avian flu cases do not include birds protected under the Endangered Species Act.However, there are some suspected cases of infection. Spectacled eider and white eiderboth species are listed as endangered.
There is no record of avian influenza occurring in marine mammals in Alaska, but it has occurred elsewhere. For example, bird flu was associated with bird deaths last year. A spotted seal and several gray seals in Maine.
The National Marine Fisheries Service is monitoring Alaskan marine mammals for signs of influenza, Ramey said.
there is Recommended precautions Alaskan bird hunters, even though the virus rarely infects humans. Protective equipment should be worn, knives and surfaces that come in contact with the bird should be clean, and other measures should be taken such as cooking all meat and eggs to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
This last guideline could represent a departure from normal operations in parts of Alaska, Frost said.
“I know this may not be the typical way people cook food or eat eggs, but it’s the recommended way to stay as safe as possible.” she said.
alaska beacon is part of The States Newsroom, a network of news outlets supported by the Coalition of Grants and Donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Alaska Beacon maintains editorial independence. If you have any questions, please contact editor Andrew Kitchenman. [email protected].Follow Alaska Beacon Facebook and twitter.
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