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Florida Man’s Bite Wounds with Flesh-eating Bacteria

Florida Man’s Bite Wounds with Flesh-eating Bacteria


A Tampa Bay man survived a man-eating bacteria that had begun to destroy part of his leg. “What you’re seeing now is not just a scar, it’s the beauty that came after,” said Donnie Adams, adding that he is healing. Thanks to the power of doctors and meditation and prayer. “I never imagined that a human bite could turn into something as horrific as a human-eating bacterium,” Adams said while attending a family function in February. I got into a dangerous situation in between and got bitten. He went to the hospital to get a tetanus shot and antibiotics. “By the third day, my legs were very sore. I couldn’t walk, it was very hot and very painful,” Adams said. These are all signs of a worsening infection. Adams rushed to the ER at HCA Florida Pasadena Hospital in St. Pete. “I looked at him and said he needed to take you to the operating room,” recalls Fritz Brink, M.D., an osteopathic physician at HCA, Florida. Doctor. Brink said he found something even worse than he expected. Necrotizing fasciitis is a bacterial disease caused by meat-eating bacteria that travels along muscle sheaths. “They checked my wounds and they were very bad,” Adams said. “It was unbelievable. But in my mind, whatever this was, I just had to get over it.” I had my second surgery. “There’s a lot of really bad bacteria that live between your teeth and in your gums in your mouth,” Dr. Brink said. Brink believes the bacteria that grew in Adams’ wound was actually skin. “If I had waited until the day after his second visit, I could have lost my leg,” Adams said. Dr. Brink says this is a warning to go to the hospital if you have a sore, plus redness, pain and warmth. medical considerations. Those are signs that the infection is getting worse.Top headlines: Authorities arrest Ocala woman for allegedly shooting her neighbor through door ‘World’s largest’ Buc-ee’s store to open soon Dad saved son and friend from rip current in her Daytona Beach died

A Tampa Bay man survived a man-eating bacterium that began destroying part of his leg.

“What you see now is not just a scar, it’s the beauty that will come,” Donnie Adams said, adding that he is healing thanks to the power of doctors, meditation and prayer. “I never imagined that a human bite could turn into something as terrifying as a bacteria that eats people.”

Adams was bitten during an awkward situation between two family members while attending a family function in February. He went to the hospital to get a tetanus shot and antibiotics.

“By the third day my feet started to hurt a lot. It was so hot and so painful I couldn’t even walk,” Adams said.

These are all signs of a worsening infection. Adams rushed to the ER at HCA Florida Pasadena Hospital in St. Pete.

“I looked at him and said he needed to take you to the operating room,” recalled Fritz Brink, M.D., an osteopathic physician at HCA in Florida.

Dr. Brink said he found something even worse than expected. Necrotizing fasciitis is a condition of bacteria that eats people and travels along muscle sheaths.

“They checked my wounds and they were very bad,” Adams said. “It was incredible. But in my heart, I knew that whatever it was, I had to get over it.”

Dr. Brink performed a second surgery to remove all infected tissue from Adam’s thigh.

“There’s a lot of very bad bacteria living in our mouth between the teeth,” says Dr. Brink.

Dr. Brink believes that the bacteria that grew inside Adams’ wound was actually skin.

“If I had waited until the day after the second visit, I could have lost my leg,” Adams said.

He could also have gone into septic shock, which could have been fatal, and for Adams’ brother, 47, it was.

Dr. Brink says this is a warning to see a doctor if you have a bruise, plus redness, pain, or warmth. These are signs that the infection is getting worse.

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