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Why are severe heart attacks more likely to occur on Mondays?

Why are severe heart attacks more likely to occur on Mondays?


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A recent report says Monday is the day with the highest number of hospitalizations for life-threatening heart attacks. Look behind the headline.

Published June 9, 2023

According to new research presented at the British Cardiovascular Society (BCS) conference in Manchester, serious heart attack It is more likely to occur on Mondays than on other days of the week.

The study, conducted by doctors from the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, examined the records of 10,528 patients admitted to hospitals across the island of Ireland (including the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland). .

These patients were hospitalized from 2013 to 2018 with the most severe type of heart attack known as ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). It occurs when the main coronary arteries that supply the heart become completely blocked. Without emergency treatment, STEMI can be fatal.

More than 30,000 people are hospitalized with STEMI each year in the UK. Immediate evaluation and treatment are required to minimize damage to the heart.This usually involves an emergency angioplasty and stentsa procedure that reopens blocked coronary arteries to reflow blood to the heart.

The researchers found that the incidence of STEMI heart attacks increased significantly at the beginning of the work week, with the highest incidence on Mondays (13% increase). They also found that STEMI rates on Sundays were higher than expected.

The exact reason behind this “Blue Monday” effect is still unknown. Previous research that showed an increased chance of having a heart attack early in the week suggests a link with the body’s circadian rhythm, which governs our sleep-wake cycles.

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What are the researchers saying?

Dr Jack Laffan, a cardiologist who led the study at the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, said: This has been discussed before, but remains interesting. “

There are likely multiple explanations for the finding, he said: “It is likely that the cause is multifactorial, but given what we know from previous studies, it makes sense to extrapolate a circadian component. It is reasonable,” he said.

BHF judgment

STEMI heart attacks are more likely to occur on Mondays, but that doesn’t mean they are less likely to occur the rest of the week. A heart attack is one of the most common medical emergencies, whether it’s Monday, Tuesday, or any other day of the week.

Professor Sir Naresh Samani, Medical Director of the BHF, said: “Every five minutes in the UK someone is hospitalized with a life-threatening heart attack, so we continue to research how and why heart attacks occur. that is important,” he said. .

“While this study adds evidence about the timing of particularly severe heart attacks, it needs to shed light on why certain days of the week are more prone to heart attacks, so doctors can detect this deadly condition.” With a better understanding, we will be able to save more lives in the future.”

Further information and support

How good was the media coverage?

This research was featured in the following articles: daily mail, mirror and Independent, among other media. Coverage was mostly accurate, with all three papers providing a balanced summary of the study and its key findings.

The headline in The Mirror read, “Warning as the day most likely to have a serious heart attack.” However, no formal warning has been issued in light of the research, so this risks causing unnecessary alarm.

It can also imply that you need to take extra care on Monday, but the wisest approach is to pay close attention to your heart health throughout the week. This may include taking routine steps to address any risk factors. coronary heart diseaselike that no smoking, healthy eating, stay activeand manage stress.

Thankfully, the Daily Mail has a detailed citation by Dr. Jack Laffan that further reveals the potential implications of this study. This phenomenon has been previously reported in many parts of the western world.

“We know that heart attacks are more likely to occur in the winter and early in the morning. The same effect is seen in stroke event rates. It has been shown to increase incidence.

“The exact mechanism of these fluctuations is unknown, but they are likely related to how circadian rhythms affect circulating hormones that can influence heart attacks and strokes.

“The stress of returning to work may be the culprit. Increased stress raises levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is associated with an increased risk of heart attack.”

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