Survival Stories: Mid-Ohio Valley Woman Reflects on Ovarian Cancer Triumph | News, Sports, Jobs
PARKERSBURG — Getting a cancer diagnosis can be one of life’s most difficult experiences.
There are many questions and uncertainties about cancer, and cancer can make every day feel like an uphill battle.
The potential costs to both physical and mental health cannot be underestimated. According to Kayla Gossett, a stage 2-3 ovarian cancer survivor, a person’s mental health and well-being are just as important as their physical health.
Gossett was diagnosed in December 2021 at the age of 34, but since around 2017 he had been suffering from severe abdominal pain and other symptoms.
“I need to rock for a few hours to ease the pain.” she remembered.
The pain occurred randomly and started to get worse after a few years. No matter what she did, it started happening more often. She didn’t have insurance at the time and she was afraid to go to the doctor, so she hoped she would heal over time.
“I was always very scared that I might get really bad news.” she said.
Gossett was hired by Highmark in 2021 and enrolled in insurance, but was unable to see a doctor until September of the same year, and his condition worsened.
“I started gaining weight, but I wasn’t fat.” she said. “I had water around my lungs.”
When it came time for her appointment, a CT scan was performed, and they found a huge mass in her abdomen.
The mass was scheduled to be removed in December 2021, but on the day of surgery, doctors decided further tests were needed. Her clot wasn’t removed until February 2022 after she had to go to the emergency room. They removed about five liters of fluid from her abdomen that day. Two days later they performed surgery, removed another 8 liters and plugged her into her drainage tube.
“A total of about 15-18 liters of fluid was discharged.” Gossett said.
Anticancer drug treatment was started once every three weeks from April. Her last treatment she was on September 9, 2022.
“On October 6th, the oncologist told me I had no cancer.” Mr. Gossett remembered.
She will be treated once every three weeks with a maintenance drug called Avastin to prevent the cancer from coming back, and will likely be treated for the rest of her life.
Gossett also struggled with ports, a type of implant used to receive fluids. Due to her port reversal, she had to get a PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) line, requiring more maintenance. Ms. Gossett underwent surgery to fix the port, but towards the end of her chemotherapy it tilted and became unusable. Luckily, she no longer needs it thanks to Avastin.
“They asked me, ‘Do you want to remove the port?'” So I said, ‘Yes, please! “said” she remembered with a smile.
Staying fit is a top priority for Gossett, and she continues to strive to stay healthy with regular doctor visits, medications, vitamins and therapy.
“I have a lot of doctor’s visits and CT scans every few months. I was deficient in vitamin D and calcium, and my doctor presumably removed these vitamins from an abdominal surgery to remove a lump.” She said it might have caused the malabsorption of the kidneys, and she is now prescribing vitamins.” she added.
She plans to start going to the gym regularly when she feels better.
However, while taking care of your body is important to staying healthy, nurturing your mental health is just as essential.
Ms. Gossett faced her battle with cancer largely alone. She had the support of her loved ones, including her mother and best friends, but she could not ask for more help because of her fear that she would be a burden. .
“I went through a lot of depression” Mr. Gossett remembered. “Until I had the surgery, I was basically on my own. But when I had the surgery, I couldn’t go up and down stairs for about three weeks, so my mother took care of me. I had time to reflect and see everything from the outside.
“If it weren’t for my mother and her husband, I wouldn’t have been able to do anything.” she added. “And it wouldn’t have been possible without my best friend. She said if I ever needed anything, she’d be right there.”
Gossett also credits her church family with playing an important role in her recovery and healing process.
“My church family is exactly what I needed.” She added that she raised over $500 in Merle Norman certificates so she could buy the wig, helped with the bills, and also provided emotional and emotional support.
“I have never felt so wanted.” Gossett said. “There are people who care about you and will be there for you no matter what, and you want to hug those people.” she added.
Ms. Gossett received blood transfusions and treatment at WVU Medicine’s Camden Clark Medical Center, and Ms. Gossett noted several steps they have taken to provide her with further support.
They have a social worker who frequently sees patients, checks on them, and provides support and additional services. For example, they discussed testing for other markers of hereditary cancer and seeing a therapist.
“Going through cancer changes you and changes everything.” Gossett said. “The therapy and talking about it definitely helped. I want someone to listen to me. I definitely don’t want to be alone with my thoughts.” she added. “You need to be surrounded by your loved ones and not be afraid to ask for help.
When asked what message he wanted to convey to the community, Gossett made two key points. It’s about being persistent and taking care of your health and finding your own village.
“If you think something is wrong with your body, get tested. maybe.” Advocating for yourself and your health is important, she added, and a solid support system goes a long way.
“When you have cancer, it’s scary, but when you’re emotionally and mentally carrying most of it alone, you need someone to be there for you, whether it’s a family member, a best friend, or a partner.” I need someone to say, ‘I’ve become.’ You. Whatever it is, it’s you and me. We’re going to kick this to the bone. she added.
“You need your village” she declared. “Find it and eliminate those who pretend to be in your village. They will not only drag you down, they will not improve your mental health. I need good health.”
Gossett had another message for the community.
“When you experience a health problem like cancer, your body will never be the same afterward. Because we are going through a very difficult event for us and we cannot expect it to be exactly the same as before. And when you find it hard to be kind to yourself, go to your village and talk to them and they will cheer you up and show you how strong you are. It will remind you of how wonderful you are.”
Cancer can affect people at all levels and have devastating effects, but as Gossett points out, it’s important to have hope.
“When you have cancer and you feel like it might be over, it changes your outlook on life a little bit.” she said. “I knew all along that I would be okay. I knew God was with me.”
To contact Maddie Harris: [email protected]
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