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Can consistent morning exercise help you lose weight faster?

Can consistent morning exercise help you lose weight faster?


In tackling the problem of obesity, a constant debate revolves around the time of day when exercise habits are formed. Although it’s difficult to stick to a specific time frame due to the fluctuating work schedule of the day, several researchers say that regular exercise in the morning is beneficial for those wanting to lose weight. . Morning exercise is most likely done in the fasted state and is thought to aid in rapid fat oxidation.

A comprehensive 2021 review by the Center for Weight Management and Diabetes Research at the Miriam Hospital/Brown-Alpert College of Medicine in Providence, Rhode Island, USA, found good reasons to stick to the morning schedule. The researcher argued that exercising at regular times could provide exercise time, which could make exercise planning easier and less complex. Researchers argue that morning routines can also lead to habit formation and self-regulation, which can be more beneficial for appetite and eating behaviour. “The morning exercise group showed greater reductions in fat (p=.049) and carbohydrate intake (p=.04) than the evening group, and the morning group tended to have lower total kcal intake. (p=.06).…The results of at least one study of the acute effects of exercise timing on diet in overweight/obese adults also show benefits of morning exercise on satiety…several The data suggest that both earlier timing of caloric intake and shorter meal windows are beneficial for adults on weight regulation,” the paper said. The review also found that exercise timing can affect body weight through physiological processes such as enhanced fat oxidation, various circadian-based processes, and sleep.

“Morning workouts are beneficial because the happy hormone called serotonin is at its highest level during daylight hours, which is why you feel energized after a good night’s sleep. Ideally, this is the time to exercise.” “It’s the best time of year for exercise. In the evening, its levels usually drop significantly. According to our circadian rhythms, our physiological response to exercise in the morning is 100 percent,” says Holistic Health. expert Mickey Mehta, Ph.D.

Why do we need maximum levels of serotonin? “No wonder it’s called the body’s feel-good hormone. No. Most of the serotonin in the body resides in the gut, thus facilitating digestion, controlling appetite and maintaining gut health, a marker for controlling all kinds of disease. The brain needs serotonin to make melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle.Morning exercise speeds up the release of melatonin, while evening exercise slows melatonin timing. ,” added Dr. Mehta.

But Vijay Takar, an expert in functional medicine, argues that some flexibility is needed. “The research provides a compelling case for potentially reshaping weight management strategies. Consistent morning training has been found to be more effective than evening training, suggesting that aligning exercise to circadian rhythms may improve health benefits. That said, from a practical and empirical perspective, exercising at all times of the day is the most important factor in combating obesity. If not possible and sustainable, exercise at night is better than “no exercise” at improving metabolic health. Therefore, maintaining a sustainable exercise routine is important. We need to continue physical activity in all its forms and at all times of the day, knowing that exercise in the morning can potentially provide even more pronounced benefits,” he says.

Emphasizing the need to be consistent rather than sticking to a morning routine, he says, “The good news is that regular physical activity can increase the amount of fat-releasing hormones and decrease the amount of fat-storing hormones in your body, which can have an impact on your health.” This will positively improve your physical condition. Striving for this balance increases metabolism, which in turn increases the body’s energy expenditure, thus achieving the state of negative energy balance necessary for weight loss, which over time leads to weight loss and obesity. Reverse. This balance can only be achieved through regular exercise, which can improve your metabolic health. “

So what exercise pattern should one follow to control obesity? Move your body, breathe, circulate, and load your body with “. He also has options like running, biking, swimming and yoga. “Western science has always talked about inputs and outputs, so we need to monitor food intake and energy output, calories used and gained,” he added.




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