Best food to lower blood pressure.
Nearly half of Americans have high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke (two of the leading causes of death in the United States), according to the WHO. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And that percentage increases with age. About 70% of adults over the age of 65 have high blood pressure (also called high blood pressure). However, lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly, avoiding alcohol, and eating good nutrition can help.
What is Hypertension?
Simply put, blood pressure is the “pressure of blood pushing against the walls of arteries”, which carries blood to other parts of the body. Blood pressure naturally fluctuates throughout the day, but high blood pressure for a long period of time can lead to other health problems such as heart disease, heart attack and stroke.
Hypertension can be diagnosed if the systolic blood pressure (the first number in the reading) exceeds 130 mm Hg or the diastolic blood pressure exceeds 80 mm Hg, as defined by the CDC. Medications can help control high blood pressure, but changing your diet can also improve your numbers.
How food lowers blood pressure
According to a 2020 study published in advances in nutrition, a dietary approach to thwarting hypertension (also known as DASH) has helped people significantly lower their blood pressure. The DASH diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds and low in sodium.another study I discovered the following mediterranean dietRich in seafood, fruits and nuts, it also helps lower blood pressure.
what to eat to lower blood pressure
Whole food rich in plant-derived ingredients fiber An antioxidant-rich diet is the best way to go, says registered dietitian Julia Zumpano. Human Nutrition Center at Cleveland Clinic.
“We know that antioxidants protect against damage, and they are very helpful for our health in general, and blood pressure in particular,” says Zumpano, who specializes in preventive cardiology. “There is a lot of attention on what not to eat, but not enough attention on what to eat. ultra processed foodfast food and processed foods can raise blood pressure, anti-inflammatory food Anything high in antioxidants can help bring it down. “
Here’s what Zumpano recommends:
Foods rich in vitamin C
These foods protect against oxidative stress that causes inflammation. Some options are:
- kiwi
- broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- pepper
Foods Rich in Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that acts as a powerful antioxidant and protects cells from damage. Examples include:
- almond
- avocado
- sunflower seeds
- peanut butter
- salmon
foods high in potassium
Potassium relaxes blood vessel walls and helps the body remove excess sodium, says Zumpano. However, if you have kidney disease, be aware of the following: amount of potassium Your kidneys cannot remove excess potassium from your blood, so be sure to include it in your diet.
Potassium-rich choices include:
- banana
- potato
- spinach
- tomato
- nuts
- seed
- grapefruit
- avocado
- legumes
Foods high in selenium
Selenium is another antioxidant that protects against oxidative stress. Selenium is located at:
- brazil nuts
- chicken
- turkey
Foods High in L-Arginine
“L-arginine is an amino acid that helps produce nitrates, chemicals that help relax muscle cells, and has been shown in some studies to be effective in lowering blood pressure,” explains Zumpano. do. Those foods include:
- poultry
- nuts
- seed
- beans
- Some dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese
foods high in calcium
Dairy products are a rich source of calcium and have been shown to lower blood pressure. Experts recommend 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams of calcium per day, mainly from dairy products. Other calcium sources include:
- almond
- dark leafy vegetables
- fortified tofu
- dried beans and peas
- fortified orange juice
- Other non-dairy milks fortified with calcium (almond, soy, coconut, oats, etc.)
Foods High in Omega 3
Overall, foods that reduce inflammation, such as omega 3 fatty acidslocated at:
- Fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, herring and mackerel
- chia seeds
- linseed
- cannabis seeds
- walnut
- soy
foods high in magnesium
While you can get magnesium from supplements, there are also magnesium-rich foods that can help lower blood pressure.
- nuts
- seed
- whole grain
- green vegetables
- dairy products
Other foods that help lower blood pressure
garlic It has also been shown to reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure.
“It can also add flavor to food, so you may be able to use less salt,” says Zumpano.
Various herbs and spices can also help lower blood pressure, such as:
- basil
- cardamom
- cinnamon
- Ginger
- parsley
- time
Nutrition is only part of the equation when it comes to lowering blood pressure. It’s important to stay hydrated, avoid sugary drinks, and exercise for at least 30 minutes most days.
“I always advise people to use the rainbow to guide their plate and eat every color of food in the rainbow,” says Zumpano. “That way, you can maximize the amount of nutrients you consume in your diet, which not only helps your blood pressure but also your overall health. It also helps curb the
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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