Intelligent wound dressings may relieve pain in burn patients
One of the challenges in treating burn patients is the frequency of dressing changes, which can be very painful.
To solve this and other problems, researchers at the University of Waterloo have developed a new type of wound dressing using advanced polymers. The new dressing enhances the healing process in burn patients and has potential applications in drug delivery in cancer treatment as well as in the cosmetic industry.
A 3D printer can be used to customize the shape to treat burn patients. Second, the surface adhesion of the material is fine-tuned, which is a key feature. “
Dr. Boxin Zhao, Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo
Zhao’s team has made great strides in developing intelligent hydrogel materials for use as reusable wound dressings. “The material sticks and peels off easily from the skin. It requires a very delicate balance within the material for the adhesion to work well.”
In developing the bandages, the researchers took 3D scans of the patient’s face and body parts and customized them to their individual needs. This allows the bandage to make good contact with surfaces such as the nose and fingers, making it ideal for creating individualized wound dressings for burn patients.
This material can also be applied to cancer treatment. Conventional chemotherapy treatments may require patients to stay in the clinic for hours, which can be tiring and uncomfortable. This bandage provides constant drug release outside the clinic, alleviating some of the challenges associated with traditional methods.
Materials used to create these smart dressings include seaweed-derived biopolymers, thermoresponsive polymers, and cellulose nanocrystals. The thermal response of the dressing makes it warm on the skin and slowly cools to room temperature. In addition, the dressing expands when chilled in the refrigerator, but shrinks at body temperature, making it easier to remove and less painful. Also, dressings are designed to provide a slow-release drug, allowing pain to last longer.
“We are also envisioning applications in the beauty and cosmetics industry.” Chao, chairman of the Waterloo Nanotechnology Endowment Board, said: “Cosmetologists can utilize 3D scanning technology to analyze the facial features of their customers and customize hydrogel masks infused with specific facial and skin prescription products. can also be beneficial.”
This work is a proof-of-concept for Zhao’s Surface Science and Bio-Nanomaterials Research Group. The next step for Zhao’s research group is to continue improving the material’s properties to make it healthier and more commercially viable.
A study highlighting the team’s progress was recently published in the Journal of Colloids and Interfacial Science.
Multiple Thermal Aspects of Wound Dressings
Watch a video demonstration showing different thermal aspects of wound dressings.Video credit: University of Waterloo
Reference magazines:
Bauman, L. & Zhao, B. (2023) Multi-thermoresponsive double-network composite hydrogels for 3D-printing medical hydrogel masks. Journal of Colloidal Interface Science.
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