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Tips for the under eye area: Avoid the following ingredients.

Tips for the under eye area: Avoid the following ingredients.
Tips for the under eye area: Avoid the following ingredients.


We all have skin care routines. Some people incorporate more products into their skincare, while others limit themselves to 3-4 products. If you have dry skin, look for moisturizing products. If it’s oily, look for ways to deal with it. However, sometimes we forget to check the ingredients in our products and use them sparingly. One part of the face that is most affected by this is the area under the eyes. Skin care products contain ingredients that should never be applied under the eyes.

Health shots to connect with Mumbai-based beauticians Dr. Monica Kapoor To know all the ingredients to avoid in the under eye area.

skin care under eyes
Not all skin care ingredients are good for the under eye area.Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Why are the under-eye areas sensitive?

According to Dr. Kapoor, the area under the eyes is usually more delicate and sensitive than the rest of the face. That’s because the skin in this area is thinner and has fewer oil glands to moisturize and protect. Also, the muscles around your eyes are in constant motion, which can lead to wrinkles and fine lines over time. Additionally, there are environmental factors such as sun exposure, pollution, and stress, all of which can exacerbate these problems.

Skin care ingredients that should not be applied under the eyes

The skin around the eyes is thinner and more sensitive than the rest of the face, so it can be easily irritated by certain ingredients. Here are some things you shouldn’t do in the under eye area.

1. Retinoids

This anti-aging ingredient is often found in products that claim to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. However, in some cases, it can be very irritating to the skin, especially the delicate skin around the eyes.use retinoid Experts say it can cause redness, dryness, and flaking in the under-eye area.

2. Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is a popular anti-acne ingredient that exfoliates the skin and unclogs pores. However, it can be too harsh for the sensitive area under your eyes, causing irritation and drying out your skin.

3. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent that is often used to lighten hair and disinfect wounds. However, it can be too harsh for the delicate skin around the eyes, causing redness, tingling and irritation.

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4. Aroma

We all love sweet-smelling products. Fragrances are commonly used ingredients in skincare and cosmetics. However, it can be irritating for sensitive skin. The area under the eyes is particularly sensitive to fragrance and can cause burning, itching and redness.

5. Essential oils

Essential oils are often used in skin care for their therapeutic benefits, but they can be too harsh for the delicate under-eye area. Some essential oils, such as peppermint and eucalyptus, can cause tingling and irritation, while essential oils, such as lemon and lime, can cause photosensitivity and increase your risk of sun damage. .

6. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice that people like to consume acne free skin. However, if used on the sensitive under-eye skin, it may be too harsh and cause a burning sensation. Therefore, it is best to avoid products containing cinnamon or cinnamon extracts in this area, says Dr. Kapoor.

7. Alcohol

alcohol-based skin care products toner Or astringents can make the under eye area very dry and irritated. Alcohol strips the skin of its natural oils and moisture, which can lead to dryness and increased sensitivity.

8. Powerful exfoliant

Harsh exfoliants, such as walnut shells or large sugar granules, can irritate the under-eye area. Using such exfoliants on this area can lead to micro-tears, redness, and even damage to the skin barrier.

skin care under eyes
Always use skin care products that do not contain harsh ingredients. Image credit: Shutterstock

under eye care tips

It is important not to use harsh or irritating ingredients on this part of the face. Experts suggest using ingredients that gently moisturize the skin, such as hyaluronic acid and ceramides, and always patch-testing new products before applying them to the under-eye area. Here’s what you can do for your under-eye area:

• Choose a gentle cleanser so it doesn’t strip your skin’s natural oils.
• Moisturize with a lightweight, non-greasy formula designed specifically for the under eye area.
• Use sunscreen daily to protect your delicate skin from UV rays.
• Get enough sleep to prevent dark circles and puffiness.
• Do not rub or pull the skin around your eyes as this can cause wrinkles and fine lines.
• Use cold compresses and eye masks to reduce swelling and inflammation.

The truth is, everyone’s skin is different, and women may have different tolerances to certain ingredients. If you are unsure about a particular ingredient or product, it is best to consult your dermatologist.




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