Anticipate the needs of patients diagnosed with RSV
Lauren Mascola, MD, MPH: Advisory Committee on Immunization Implementation [ACIP] is not a government agency but sets standards for vaccination regimens regarding timing, dosage and happened months ago MMWR [Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report]produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [CDC]. I was wondering how the ACIP recommendations could help payers prepare to pay for these vaccines, rather than wait and see. MMWRit could be weeks later, missing the peak timing of when a vaccine would be needed.
Abby Lynn Singleton, PhD, BCPS: Information from ACIP is invaluable. Usually, as soon as new drugs and vaccines are approved, payers are ready to see their data. We review package inserts and clinical trials and take all that information into consideration.
Adam C. Welch, PhD, MBA, FAPhA: Timing appears to be of utmost importance as several vaccine candidates are indicated, approved and recommended for the 2023-24 season. However, there will be a window of time to wait for this publication before the formal publication is issued. MMWR. At the same time, RSV [respiratory syncytial virus] It will start peaking in the community. This duplication is likely to occur, and payers should be on board as soon as possible, and providers should be ready as soon as possible.
Lauren Mascola, MD, MPH: and educated.
Adam C. Welch, PhD, MBA, FAPhA: And we need to bring vaccine products to market as soon as possible so that we can provide education and vaccinations to patients this RSV season.
Wanda Filer, MD, MBA, FAAFP: There is already widespread fear and skepticism about vaccines, so the last thing you want is for this process to go wrong. No need to consider it. We need to make sure everyone is doing their part so that this can be completed as perfectly as possible.
Lauren Mascola, MD, MPH: Citizens need not worry any more. There is no need for vaccines to be so problematic as to cause further anxiety about vaccines that hopefully prevent infections and hospitalizations.
Wanda Filer, MD, MBA, FAAFP: I have had the privilege of auditing ACIP conferences for several years now. Lorene, you’ve probably done that too.
Lauren Mascola, MD, MPH: yes.
Wanda Filer, MD, MBA, FAAFP: I am incredibly impressed with the amount of data, the work and their approach.
Lauren Mascola, MD, MPH: depth.
Wanda Filer, MD, MBA, FAAFP: They use grade standards, depth, knowledge, and arguments. This is not a slam dunk. we will approve this. ’ This is an incredibly thoughtful conversation, grounded in science and economics. I wish I had realized that earlier in my career. I am really impressed with their work and I share that with my colleagues. Over the past few years, this issue has been in a very difficult situation, but as a doctor, I feel very encouraged when I see the way doctors are doing their jobs.
Marty J. Feltner, Ph.D.: They have done an amazing job during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Abby Lynn Singleton, PhD, BCPS: I appreciate that their forum is open. Ordinary people can go and talk about their concerns. I would be happy if you could take such opinions into consideration.
Lauren Mascola, MD, MPH: Yes, everyone is invited. Online. It’s all their data and it’s all available to anyone interested in reviewing it beforehand and participating in the discussion and other scientific advisors.
Adam C. Welch, PhD, MBA, FAPhA: Timing is tight when vaccine indications begin, when recommendations are made, and when RSV epidemics tend to peak. Knowing all this will happen, what can providers and payers do in the meantime to be ready for next season?
Marty J. Feltner, Ph.D.: We all need to prepare now. We know it’s coming, so let’s begin the educational process. We have to wait for a formal recommendation from ACIP, but we have plans. You have to do it and strategize. How will we approach this new vaccine being developed during flu season?
Lauren Mascola, MD, MPH: The public health sector will also need to step in and plan how surveillance will be implemented, or fund the Centers for Disease Control to staff specific areas to conduct additional surveillance for respiratory syncytial virus. Then, similar to monitoring the flu, we will be able to see when an infection will occur. We always make big announcements after the first flu case is found in our area. The same should and should be expected for RSV.
Suppose the public hears about RSV the same way they hear about the flu, making the two synonymous with respiratory disease season. In addition to COVID-19, which may peak in the fall, we need to keep an eye on this. We do not know whether COVID-19 is seasonal. But with respiratory infections, especially in older patients, all of this must be kept in mind.
Wanda Filer, MD, MBA, FAAFP: We hope that many awareness campaigns will take place.Hopefully my CMO [chief medical officer] As a role, we plan to do some of those too. I like to see things like NFID. [National Foundation for Infectious Diseases]. They have campaigns, CDC has programs. There are many thoughtful people out there to explain to those of us who should be careful about RSV but aren’t, or aren’t aware of the gravity of the disease out there, why we should. Most importantly, patients understand, trust and expect that we can provide safe, effective vaccines at affordable prices. It’s important to do this to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Lauren Mascola, MD, MPH: And let’s not forget nursing homes and collective care facilities, which are heavily burdened by all respiratory diseases, especially RSV. This is very helpful for those in this situation. We do not want to spread disease epidemics. We must educate these populations, which are very different from others, about this new disease and potential vaccines.
Adam C. Welch, PhD, MBA, FAPhA: Dr. Singleton, what can payers do to prepare for the 2023-24 RSV season?
Abby Lynn Singleton, PhD, BCPS: We are definitely looking at the pipeline of vaccines in development. We have met with some payers to exchange information early on and learn about the data they already have. We’re already looking into those things, and we’ll be working on them as aggressively as we can once they’re clear.
Adam C. Welch, PhD, MBA, FAPhA: Dr. Mascola, what patient populations will benefit most from the RSV vaccine?
Lauren Mascola, MD, MPH: The patient population that will benefit most from this vaccine are those who have been talking for a long time. All adults over the age of 65, healthy or not, have reduced immunosenescence. They will benefit greatly from this vaccine. Individuals living in group environments where infectious diseases can spread. And all patients with underlying conditions that could cause them to fall if they had an infection, including those with underlying heart disease, lung disease, asthma, stroke, and those who were frail and unable to perform activities of daily living. This includes patients who cannot All these groups would greatly benefit from this vaccine. The same is true for people who live in groups. Many groups will benefit from this vaccine.
I edited the transcript for clarity.
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