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What happens to your body if you give up sugar for a month?

What happens to your body if you give up sugar for a month?


Our sugar addiction is pervasive in our modern lifestyle. From sugary drinks and processed snacks to regular treats, sugar permeates every aspect of our diet. However, this high intake of sugar leads to adverse health effects such as obesity. Diabetes, heart disease and other chronic health conditions. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the negative effects of sugar and make conscious choices to reduce your intake for your overall health.

In this situation, should you consider eliminating sugar from your diet entirely? And what changes can you expect to see in your body if you give up sugar for a month in the first place? We reached out to an expert to find out more. “If you give up completely sugar During the month, your body may undergo some changes,” said Ankita Ghoshal Bisht, dietitian at Primus Super Specialty Hospital.

*Improvement of blood sugar level: Cutting out sugar stabilizes blood sugar levels and reduces blood sugar spikes and dips that can affect energy levels and energy levels. mood.

*Weight loss: Sugar is a major contributor to excess calorie intake. Eliminating sugary foods and drinks can help you lose weight, especially if you used to eat a lot of them.

* Decreased appetite: Due to the addictive nature of sugar, it is important to eliminate it from the body. diet Helps reduce appetite over time.

*Improve Energy Levels: Reducing your reliance on sugar for energy will give you more sustained energy levels throughout the day.

*Improved dental health: Avoiding sugar can help improve your oral health, as sugar is a major cause of tooth decay.

*Possibility to improve skin health: Some people find that cutting down on sugar results in clearer skin and less acne.

sugar Sugar is addictive, so eliminating sugar from your diet can help curb your sugar cravings over time. (Source: Getty Images)

Dr. Aniket Mule, an internal medicine consultant at Wockhardt Hospital, Mira Road, agreed, saying adding less sugar is a smart approach to reducing sugar intake. blood sugar Insulin levels, even for short periods of time. “Being overweight can increase your cholesterol levels, especially triglycerides, which are a type of fat in your blood. Reducing your intake of additional sugar to reduce calories and weight can improve your cholesterol.” But it’s not just about losing weight: People of the same weight who consumed less than 20% of their calories from added sugar had lower triglycerides,” he said. rice field.

However, Dr. Mule emphasized that these benefits are quickly lost if you simply abstain from sugar for 30 days and then return to a high-sugar diet once the challenge is over.

Dr. Abhijit Bograj, Diabetes and Thyroid Consultant, Endocrinologist, Manipal Hospital, Hebbar, emphasizes the same. Bangalore Cutting out sugar for a month has many benefits, she said, but they’re only short-term. “Those goals have to be long-term in order to reap long-term gains.”

But Bisht said whether a month-long sugar abstinence is recommended depends on your specific health goals and circumstances. “Reducing added sugars is generally recommended for most people to maintain overall health. However, completely eliminating all forms of sugar from the diet can be difficult. , it’s not necessary for everyone,” she said, adding that it’s important to find a balanced approach that works for you.

If you’re looking to cut sugar out of your diet, a nutritionist suggested these alternatives:

*Natural Sweeteners: Options like stevia, monk fruit extract, and erythritol are low-calorie sweeteners that can be used as sugar substitutes. These sweeteners have little effect on blood sugar levels.
*Fresh Fruits: Fruit contains natural sugars fiber, vitamins and minerals. Satisfy your sweet cravings while providing nutritional benefits.
*spices: Spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla can add flavor and sweetness to your dishes without adding sugar.
*Dark chocolate: Choose dark chocolate with a high content cocoa Due to the lower sugar content (70% or more) compared to milk chocolate.
* Sugar-free beverages: Opt for water, herbal teas, or unsweetened coffee instead of sugary drinks such as sodas and juices.

“Remember that moderation is key, even with healthier alternatives. Read food labels, watch out for hidden sugars, and maintain a balanced and varied diet overall. is important,” she said.

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