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Metabolic fatty liver disease is on the rise: Here’s why:

Metabolic fatty liver disease is on the rise: Here’s why:
Metabolic fatty liver disease is on the rise: Here’s why:


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Experts say metabolic fatty liver disease can be caused by a variety of factors.Sotto/Getty Images
  • Researchers report a dramatic increase in the prevalence of metabolic fatty liver disease in the United States.
  • Experts say genetics and obesity are key factors in the development of the disease, but there are other causes as well.
  • They say a healthy diet and exercise can help reduce the risk of developing the disease.

metabolism related fatty liver disease (MAFLD), formerly nonalcoholic fatty liver diseaseis the leading cause of liver disease worldwide and is increasing significantly in the United States.

According to some, it study announced today in Endo 2023Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society.

The researchers analyzed data from 32,726 studies that had not yet been published in peer-reviewed journals. National Health and Nutrition Survey participant.

They collected health information from 1988 to 2018.

Scientists compared increases in MAFLD to increases in obesity. They reported:

  • MAFLD increased from 16% of participants in 1988 to 37% in 2018, an increase of 131%.
  • percentage of obesity It rose from 23% in 1988 to 40% in 2018, an increase of 74%.

Previously, medical experts considered obesity to be the most important risk factor for MAFLD.

The researchers noted that since MAFLD increased more rapidly than obesity, there must be additional risk factors such as: Diabetes and high blood pressure.

During the study period, there was a significant increase in incidence in the following three population groups observed:

  • 133% in Caucasians
  • 61% for Mexican Americans
  • 56% for blacks

Compared with the general population, Mexican Americans had a higher prevalence of MAFLD throughout the study period.

“It has been noted for years that Hispanics/Latinoes have a higher prevalence of MAFLD,” he said. Dr. Aimin Delgado Borregoa hepatologist at KIDZ Medical, but was not involved in the study.

“This cannot be generalized to all Hispanics because Mexicans and Central Americans have higher prevalence than Latinos in other countries,” she said. medical news today. “But a key finding of this study is that the increased prevalence is more severe among non-Hispanic whites, even though Hispanics are more commonly affected.” However, this is an important fact that can be used to better understand the multiple factors that explain MAFLD.”

The term metabolic-related fatty liver disease encompasses the following: liver disease Drinking is not the direct cause, he said. 2020 report Published in World Journal of Hepatology.

MAFLD is one of the main reasons liver transplant. It is now also the leading cause of liver disease worldwide.

“Before 2015, [viral] hepatitis It was the most common cause of liver disease.” Dr. Hillel TobiasA specialist in transplant hepatology, gastroenterology, and internal medicine at Northwell Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, who was not involved in the study.

“If we find a drug that can cure [viral] Hepatitis, MAFLD, was the number one cause,” he said. Medical news today.

MALFD is a silent disease with few or no symptoms, according to the WHO. National Institutes of Health. A symptomatic person may contract Malaise Or right upper quadrant discomfort.

One of the causes of MAFLD is genetic. It is thought to be hereditary in Mexican-Americans, making people of that ethnic group more likely to develop the disease.

Other causes include:

Scientists are currently studying possible connections between: A diet high in fructose and MALFD. they again, gut microbiota can affect.

Researchers have linked several environmental toxins to fatty liver disease. National Institutes of Health. Vinyl chloride, which is used to make PVC, and other common household chemicals can be the culprit.

“Some people are susceptible to MAFLD, as evidenced by the high prevalence among Hispanics,” Hillel said. “Part of that may be due to the big shift in diet between Mexico and the US. The US diet contains more carbohydrates, and the higher proportion of It may have something to do with transitioning from one eating pattern to another.Eating a diet high in carbohydrates can lead to fatty liver.”

“Covid-19 may have also contributed to the increased infection rate, because diets changed when everyone was confined to their homes,” Hillel added. “A lot of people started to improve their diet, but a lot of people were dependent on their diet. processed food and fast foodContains a lot of carbohydrates. ”

“Overall, I kind of agree with the results, but this wasn’t really a good study,” Hillel continued. “We need to see the results replicated and corroborate these results with other studies.”

Experts say it is possible to reverse MALFD because the liver is able to repair itself if detected early.

But because it’s a silent (or at least very silent) disease, it’s not often detected early.

Blood tests and imaging tests may indicate symptoms. A biopsy is the only way to know if the disease has progressed to a dangerous stage.

“If left untreated, it can develop into cirrhosis.” Dr. Lisa GanjuA gastroenterologist and hepatologist at New York University Langone Health, who was not involved in the study, said: medical news today.

However, there are ways to reduce your risk of developing the disease.

“People can change their lifestyles and get a big return on their investment,” he said. Caroline ThomasonRD, CDCES, Virginia-based nutritionist, was not involved in the study.

“Generally, MAFLD is caused by not being active enough or eating too many calories over a long period of time. When our body starts storing fat, it is stored in the liver,” she says. said. medical news today.

“Focus on making” change your eating habits To reduce calories, especially excess fat and sugar,” added Thomason. “Limit sugary drinks, fried foods, refined flours, and foods with added sugar. Focus on eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, replace refined grains with whole grains, and eat chicken, fish, and turkey. Incorporate lean proteins such as, and emphasize heart-healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado, and nuts.”

Ganju points out that fatty liver disease can be reversible.

“Our liver can regenerate and heal itself, but only if the insulting factor is removed. But if you lose weight, exercise and live a healthy lifestyle, your liver can regenerate,” Ganju said.

Experts say the most important way to prevent MAFLD is to better understand it.

“It is important to spread awareness of the importance of this condition and its associated comorbidities,” said Dr. Delgado-Borrego. “While educating the public on the importance of healthy eating and exercise remains the main method of prevention and control of this disease, it is not sufficient. prevent MAFLD from eating and engaging in appropriate physical activity and must be addressed at local, national and global levels if MAFLD is to be prevented. We need to focus on and fund research into all aspects of this condition.”

“Why are there still so many unanswered questions about this disease, which affects a quarter of the world’s population?” asked Delgado-Borrego. It is clear that a global effort is needed to prioritize this epidemic.”




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