Prepare for extreme heat waves
Are you ready for those days of extreme heat waves that will burn your garden and your skin? They happen every summer! Here are some ways to prepare them.
Prepare for extreme heat waves
In preparation for tornadoes, hurricanes, and even heavy thunderstorms, heat is often overlooked. I don’t know why, but it happens every summer.
But that’s the advantage we have when we finally decide we need to start preparing for the extreme heat…we’re sure it will come ..
So where do you start? Not just hoarding popsicles, that’s for sure! Extreme heat is not a joke and can cause things like heat stroke and fire. The body does not handle the extreme heat as it pushes it above normal limits by operating it for an extended period of time to maintain normal temperature.
Let’s prepare for the heat wave! Maybe it’s already very hot where you are, but you can always work on these ideas. There is no excuse to have.
Buy a water bottle instead of Gatorade
The body needs nothing but water to replenish itself. Drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade contain corn syrup and other preservatives and chemicals. If you really need an electrolyte drink, you can try the following recipes.
Homemade “Gatorade”
What you need:
- 4 cups of water
- 4 tbsp sweetener (sugar or honey)
- 1/4 teaspoon sea salt (no salt, minerals required)
- 1 c. Orange juice (optional)
On the stove, mix the above ingredients (in addition to orange juice). Stir until sugar and salt dissolve. When cool, add orange juice and store in the refrigerator.
Also, there is no need to buy additional plastic bottles. Use the reusable water bottles you already have, fill them with water and store in the refrigerator. Make sure we always fill us Barkey Until the night before the heat wave is expected to be full.
If you’re having trouble drinking straight water, you can try some Infused water instead.
– If you use PET bottles, here are some Great way to reuse them when you’re done!!
Have an emergency kit
You need an emergency kit for any emergency. You can create a full 72 hour kit or if you’re not ready, you can. Mini emergency kit Great for putting in a car.
Make sure the kit has a water bottle and a high protein snack.
Plan meals in advance
There are many meals you can cook without turning on the oven. If you are experiencing extreme heat waves, it’s best to leave the oven completely off until it’s done.
Here are some of our favorites Summer evening easy meal And here are some Ideas on how and what to cook without heating the house.
Proper insulation
this is Winter preparations However, you should always use suitable insulation, especially in summer.
Just like the cold…heat can sneak into poorly insulated windows and doors, and other areas (such as around an air conditioner in a window). Keep the windows shaded when the sun is in full bloom in each room of the house.
If possible, buy or create blackout curtains for all windows that get sunlight during the day. These help to very block the heat.
Prepare your garden
If you find it to be hot, you should also prepare your garden to prevent it from burning. Do not water the garden during the extreme heat of the day. This only damages the plants more.
Water the garden as early as possible. This gives the plant the fuel it needs to get through the day. If they seem to be quite hanging by the end of the day, you can also give them a watering at the end of the day to cheer them up. Continue this watering cycle until the heat wave ends.
Do not use pest repellent on plants until the heat wave is over.
Use a sprinkler
Sprinklers are not only fun for kids to play when the weather is extremely hot, but also serve other purposes. This can be difficult (like us) if you live in a drought area, but when you are allowed or can water… please do it.
Water the lawn around your house as much as possible to keep the lawn around your house as green as possible. In case of a fire, it will help the flames fall when you get close to your house.
If a fire is imminent, turn on all possible sprinklers around your house. If you do not have a sprinkler, turn on the hose and allow water to collect in the yard. You may not think you are at risk of fire, but when the temperature is high and the dry winds are blowing, the simplest ones will burn.
It keeps the grass mowed, so if a fire breaks into your yard, it’s easier to put out short grasses.
*Please note that we have learned from experience… always water the stockpile. A few years ago, our house was on the trail of fire, with days of dirty yellow and black water when fire trucks pumped water from community wells. Without a gallon of water, nothing would have happened. As a rule of thumb, stock at least 1 gallon of water per person per day. (Worth at least 3 days worth of storage, 2 weeks is the minimum if you have a room!)
Don’t forget about fido
Make sure your animals and livestock are prepared for the heat as well. They always need cold water, and some animals may need to consider some sort of pool or tank. (We used a stock tank for dogs to swim and a children’s pool for ducks!) Also make sure your pet has enough shade to relax.
If your home doesn’t have air conditioning, it’s a good idea to consider some of these tips to keep your home cool without air conditioning.
See for more tips on how to prepare for the heat wave.
Looking for other preparation tips?
What are some tips for preparing for the heat wave?
This article on preparing for extreme heat waves was first published in Little House Living in August 2013. It has been updated as of July 2020.
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