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A uniform use of a coronavirus face mask prevented the outbreak at a Missouri beauty salon: report


Wearing a mask at one hair salon in Missouri New coronavirus From two hair stylists infected by the virus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In May, two hair stylists in Great Clips, Springfield, Missouri, tested positive for COVID-19 after seeing their clients at a salon at 1864 S. Glenstone Ave.

Which states in the public need coronaville facemasks?

However, none of the clients were drunk on COVID-19. Experts believe that face masks were used, at least in part, to prevent what could have been a serious outbreak of the deadly virus.

“Of 139 clients exposed to two symptomatic hair stylists with confirmed COVID-19, both stylists and clients wore face masks, but no secondary symptomatic cases were reported. Of the 67 clients tested for SARS-CoV-2, all test results were negative,” a report published to the CDC. Weekly morbidity and mortality report Read “Complying with policies that cover the face of the community and businesses may have mitigated the spread of SARS-CoV-2.”

“City-wide regulations and company policies may have played a role in preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 during these exposures,” the author added to a report released Tuesday. It was “These findings support the role of source control in infection control and can inform the progress of public health policy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Published Tuesday in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), it said: “Compliance with community and corporate face-to-face policies may have mitigated the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Is high”.

In addition to both stylists, 98% of clients who agreed to be interviewed for the report said they wore face masks during the interview. The other 2% say they wore masks some of the time.

However, the authors of this study pointed out that the report had some limitations. Most notably, the local health department “monitored all exposed clients for signs and symptoms of COVID-19, no clients had symptoms, but only a subset was tested.” “

“Therefore, asymptomatic clients may be overlooked,” they wrote.

“Likewise, a COVID-19 PCR test obtained from clients early in the infection process with a virus latency of 2-14 days can return false-negative results,” the authors added. Exposed clients were offered testing on day 5 and were contacted daily to monitor symptoms for up to 14 days. “

The lack of information on other protective measures, namely hand washing and the use of gloves, has also not been reported. When incorporated, these additional measures “may have affected the risk of infection,” the authors explained.

“Third, virus shedding is highest 2-3 days before the onset of symptoms. Clients who interact with the stylist before the onset of symptoms were not hired for contact tracing.” “Last In addition, the mode of interaction between the stylist and the client may have limited exposure to the virus.Services at Salon A were limited to haircuts, facial trimmings and perms. Most stylists cut their hair while the client is facing the other side, which can also limit transmission.

There is currently no national face mask obligation in the United States. In fact, Trump Most recently I saw my first public face mask wearing..

But Some states require a face cover in public, But not all, Governor of Oklahoma Kevin Stitt, Recently tested positive for COVID-19 — We continue to strongly oppose such obligations.

But this week, the CDC called on all Americans to wear facial covers, following a new finding that increased use of masks is effective in preventing coronavirus transmission.

“We are not defenseless against COVID-19.” Dr. Robert R. Redfield of CDC said.. “Cloth surface coverings are one of the most powerful weapons needed to slow and stop the spread of viruses, especially when they are used universally in a community environment. You have a responsibility to protect yourself, your family, and your community.”

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Lucas Manfred of Fox Business contributed to this report.

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