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First community-acquired malaria case detected in US in decades: What you need to know

First community-acquired malaria case detected in US in decades: What you need to know


(The Hill) – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a health advisory regarding the epidemic of a small number of diseases. Malaria cases in Florida and TexasThis is the first time in the last 20 years that localized transmission of the disease has been detected in the United States.

There have been five confirmed cases of malaria in the United States in the last two months, four in Florida and one in Texas. The fact that these people were infected in the United States has caused concern among health officials, as no such infections have been seen since 2003.

As the CDC noted in it, caveat, Malaria infections in the United States are not unheard of. The country had about 2,000 malaria cases each year before the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, cases in the United States are most often found in people who have traveled to areas outside the country where malaria transmission is more common.Five locally found infections in Florida and Texas indicate that mosquitoes acquired the parasite and spread it to other areas.

Although effective treatments and mitigation strategies for malaria are available in the United States, treating the disease can be uncomfortable. Some experts worry that such cases point to a bigger problem.

Malaria was once very common in the United States, but after the National Malaria Eradication Program in the 40’s and 50’s, the country’s endemic status ended.

Malaria is considered a “medical emergency” by the CDC and can be fatal, especially for children under the age of five and pregnant women. Symptoms range from mild to life-threatening. Symptoms may resemble flu and may include an enlarged spleen, enlarged liver, or mild jaundice.

One of the characteristic symptoms of malaria is called a “malaria attack,” in which an infected person experiences a distinct period of illness lasting 6 to 10 hours.

These seizures are defined in three stages. It is a cold stage with chills and shivering. Fever, headache, vomiting and, in children, a high temperature period that can lead to seizures. Then the body temperature returns to normal during the sweating phase. Patients repeat these attacks during the course of infection.

There are four types of malaria, and the cases detected in the United States are caused by parasites. vivax malaria parasite. Of the more than 200 species of mosquitoes in the continental United States and its territories, only two species have the potential to vector and transmit. vivax malaria parasite.

“If these cases go undetected for a long period of time, they can quickly spiral out of control.” Vivax, Some strains can be so non-virulent that people may be infected but not realize they are,” said the University of South Florida School of Public Health. Professor John Adams said.

of vivax malaria parasite It takes about 10-15 days for the parasite to develop and spread inside the mosquito. This means that a potential spread of malaria may not be immediately noticed, especially if symptoms are ignored.

The antimalarial drug chloroquine is effective against infections such as: vivax malaria parasiteHowever, additional treatment may be required if associated with this parasite.

vivax malaria parasite It is one of two forms of malaria that can remain dormant in the liver and cause disease relapses over months or years. Nearly all malaria cases require medical intervention to resolve, vivax malaria parasite In some cases, treatment with another drug that targets dormant parasites in the liver, such as a drug called primaquine, is required.

There are also problems associated with this course of treatment.

Adams pointed out that primaquine “has a lot of toxicity associated with it.” Side effects may include fatigue. Weak pulse. discoloration of the skin and eyes. seizures; confusion; and blurred vision.

Primaquine should also not be given to people with a genetic disorder called G6PD deficiency. This drug can damage red blood cells in people with this condition, causing anemia. Many people don’t realize they have her G6PD deficiency until they start a treatment like primaquine.

The CDC blames recent infections on increased international travel over the summer. Hurricane season may also have contributed to these infections, as more standing water provides more opportunities for mosquitoes to breed.

Speaking about the possibility of widespread transmission, Adams said, a bigger concern is that these malaria infections could indicate the spread of other mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, Zika virus, West Nile virus and chikungunya virus. said that it is a matter of nature.

As summer begins, West Nile virus has already been detected in several states. in Louisiana, faster than usual This is the first case since the beginning of this year.

Malaria can be combated by spraying insecticides from helicopters and planes to kill adult and larvae mosquitoes. Adams pointed out that every county in Florida has mosquito-free districts, which are programs aimed at controlling mosquito populations and preventing disease.

To reduce the chance of infection, you can buy clothing that already contains a synthetic repellent and insecticide called permethrin, or you can spray yourself with a standard mosquito repellent.

CDC advises clinicians to consider malaria when treating patients with fever of unknown origin, regardless of whether they have recently traveled abroad. Clinicians should also obtain the patient’s travel history.




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