Lessons from pandemic must be translated into action to prepare for future health emergencies, PAHO director emphasizes at opening of 17th National Health Congress in Brazil – PAHO/WHO
Brasilia, July 3, 2023 – Dr. Jarvas Barbosa, Director General of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), attended the 17th National Health Congress in Brasilia from July 2-5. The event is one of the most important public health events in the country.
During the conference, the PAHO director said that now that the acute phase of COVID-19 has passed, it is important to put into action all the lessons learned so that the world can be better prepared for future emergencies. emphasized.
“This is what we can do to honor the millions of people who died during the pandemic and the health care workers who risked their lives and did not hesitate to provide care. It’s the bare minimum,” he said.
Dr. Barbosa also stressed the need for Latin America and the Caribbean to produce more vaccines, medicines and personal protective equipment for their citizens. “The first casualty of the pandemic was solidarity,” he said, adding that “wealthy countries were able to afford three to four times as many vaccines as their population, while poorer countries had very difficult access.” emphasized.
PAHO Secretary also highlighted the impact of the pandemic on priority health programs during this period. He cited, for example, rising maternal mortality rates that have been declining for more than 20 years, declining vaccination rates, and thousands of patients with hypertension, diabetes and cancer who have not been diagnosed, treated or controlled during the peak of COVID-19. mentioned a person .
“We will use the visibility the health sector has gained during the pandemic to build resilient health systems through better funding, stronger primary care, community engagement, and solving people’s health problems,” he said. It is important to do so,” he concluded.
Defend the Single System of Health (SUS), Lives and Democracy – Tomorrow is Another Day
The 17th National Health Congress will be organized by the National Health Council (CNS) and the Brazilian Ministry of Health under the theme “SUS, save life and democracy – tomorrow is another day”.
In her speech, Minister of Health Nisia Trindade spoke of the importance of joint efforts and regional cooperation for collective development. “Brazil will only move forward if we move forward together with the Americas region and raise our voices to defend substantive equality between nations. This will strengthen our unity without abandoning our differences. It’s the power we need for
“Today, we are true, loving representatives of resistance and hope for a healthcare system for all. It was the social struggles that led to the 1988 SUS. We have arrived at this 17th Congress through a road built and trodden by an unprecedented number of fighters.” So health is not only the absence of disease. added CNS President Fernando Pigat
The National Health Council meets every four years and is a key forum for government and society to shape public health policy. This edition marks the end of a process involving municipal, state and free conferences attended by her more than two million people from all over Brazil.
The 17th CNS has 110 international participants from 14 countries. The Americas region is represented by delegations from Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guyana, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela. In addition, delegations from the European region of Spain, Switzerland and Italy are participating.
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