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Our ears can tell the brain if we have hearing impairment

Our ears can tell the brain if we have hearing impairment
Our ears can tell the brain if we have hearing impairment


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summary: Recent studies have shed light on the long-standing mystery of DC signals in the cochlea and suggest that they inform the brain of ear health. Understanding its role may help diagnose noise-induced hearing damage and decipher faint sounds. DC signals are generated by potassium ion channels in the hair cell membrane.

Important points:

  • A DC signal in the cochlea, enigmatic for 70 years, may tell the brain about the health of the ear.
  • Understanding the role of DC signals can help diagnose noise-induced hearing damage and facilitate the decoding of faint sounds.
  • DC signals are generated by potassium ion channels that release potassium ions through the hair cell membrane.
  • Cochlear signals, whose exact role is unknown since their discovery some 70 years ago, probably give the brain information about whether the ear is functioning properly. The results of the new study are an important piece of the puzzle in explaining what happens to the ear in noxious noise-induced deafness and, in the long term, contribute to the diagnosis of noise-induced deafness. There is a possibility.

    The inner ear, or cochlea, has about 15,000 hair cells. When struck by sound waves, hair cells convert the vibrations into electrical nerve signals. These signals are directed to the brain, which interprets them, and only then can we hear sounds. Hair cell signals are composed of two parts called AC and DC. AC signals are well studied. It gives the brain information about the loudness and frequency of sound, that is, how high or low the pitch of a sound is. But the DC signal remains a mystery. Since its discovery nearly 70 years ago, researchers have wondered what its function is.

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    elusive signal

    “This signal seems likely to be a way for the body to tell the brain whether the ear is healthy and to facilitate the brain’s ability to decipher faint sounds. The brain can amplify weak signals from the cochlea.” “If you’re told that your ears aren’t functioning properly, your brain won’t have to expend resources improving the signal to decipher the sound from the damaged ear,” says biomedical researcher Dr. said Pierre Hakijimana, Principal Research Engineer in the Department of Clinical Sciences. Linkoping University.

    This finding could contribute to new research into how DC signals can be used to diagnose hearing loss caused by harmful noise. This problem has so far remained unresolved, as it is not known how to interpret this signal, or how to reliably isolate and measure it in humans.

    In his work, Pierre Hakijimana also showed that DC signals are generated by potassium ion channels that release potassium ions through the hair cell membrane.

    reference: Hakizimana P. The sum of potential polarities encodes ear health. Sermol Life Science. 2023;80(6):163. Doi: 10.1007/s00018-023-04809-5

    This article has been reprinted from material. Note: Materials may have been redacted for length and content. Please contact the citation source for details.




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