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Public health needs to ‘back to basics’ to build trust, says coronavirus response coordinator

Public health needs to ‘back to basics’ to build trust, says coronavirus response coordinator
Public health needs to ‘back to basics’ to build trust, says coronavirus response coordinator


Dr. Assisi Jah served as the White House’s COVID-19 response coordinator for the past year or so. Before returning to his duties as dean of the Brown University School of Public Health, Jah said: boston public radio On the future of public health and pandemic preparedness.

“When I got to the White House, I realized, ‘I’ve got to get out of the work of prediction and get into the work of preparation,'” Jha said. “So we spent the last 15 months thinking, ‘What do we need to do in case we find another variant?'”

The shift to holistic pandemic preparedness, including stockpiling medical gowns, gloves and masks, is shaping the response of public health officials to the next epidemic.

Another important element in preparation is restoring public confidence in science. According to one survey, only 39% of people are confident in science. 2022 Survey Associated Press-NORC Public Relations and Research Center. To change the situation, public health must “get back to basics,” Ja said.

“Public health hasn’t gotten everything right in the last three and a half years,” he said. “I think rebuilding trust starts with acknowledging your mistakes. And the second is communicating with people openly and honestly.”

He said a similar approach could be applied to combating misinformation.

“One of the reasons bad news has taken root in this pandemic is that there was an information vacuum early on,” he says. “So I’ve encouraged people in the medical community, public health, community doctors, nurses and others to speak up and spread really good information.”

Jah said the U.S. is currently at its lowest level of COVID-19 infections but does not expect that lull to continue.

Staying up to date on vaccinations and getting treatment if infected is the best way to deal with the virus without disrupting the health care system, he said. A new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine is expected to be available this fall.

“I hope people treat this as a routine thing they do every fall,” he said, comparing it to the annual flu shot. “Let’s go get the annual new coronavirus vaccination.”

And while Covid-19 is likely to last forever, Jah said he expects to see more pandemics in the future.

He said climate change is a big factor, as rising temperatures will spread new diseases where people are not yet immune. Humans are also making greater inroads into animal habitats, increasing the potential for virus spread between humans and animals. Jah said globalization combined with all of this would lead to new pandemics.

Other health officials, including former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Wallensky, said: Said America is not ready to deal with the next pandemic. But despite the increased risk of disease, many have improved, Jah said.

“We were totally unprepared. 1688770876 We are much more prepared,” he said. “We are not where we should be, so the work must continue.”




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