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Infectious disease experts uncover coronavirus mask myths


The mainstream medical institutions in America are giving support. Universal masking is essential for the country to escape the catastrophic COVID-19 pandemic, restart schools and restart the economy.

“The data is clearly there and masking is working,” said Dr. Robert Redfield of the US Centers for Disease Control on Tuesday. Webcast Journal of the American Medical Assn. “If we can get everyone to wear masks right now, I really think we’ll be able to stop the epidemic in the next 4, 6 or 8 weeks.”

AC DC Investigation By early May, which said it was released Tuesday, the study estimated that about 76% of American adults who left home the previous week were using cloth face covers.

another To report About two hair stylists in a Missouri salon, CDC has shown the amazing effect that masks prevent the transmission of the disease.

The stylist became ill with respiratory symptoms, but only worked for a few days at the salon and then tested positive for coronavirus.

The stylist served 139 clients during the illness and typically spent 15-45 minutes with each client. However, one client was not reported ill and none of the tested clients received a positive test result. Reason? Scientists believe it’s because both the hair stylist and their customers wear masks.

There are many myths in circulation that suggest that masks are unnecessary or somehow harmful. Dr Peter Ching Hong, a professor of medicine and an infectious disease expert at the University of California, San Francisco, recently exposed them in a panel discussion at the Campus Town Hall.

Myth #1: No need to wear a mask outside as sunlight kills coronaviruses in the air

That’s wrong. Nikko does not immediately counter the coronavirus. Outdoors are generally safer than indoors, but you can get infected when you are outdoors. In one study, Outbreak It occurred outdoors in a village in Henan province in central China.

Recent Investigation In most US cities in the summer, we have determined that over 90% of the virus is inactivated after being exposed to daytime sunlight for 11-34 minutes. However, it only applies to viruses attached to the surface. “This does not lead to human infection,” Ching Hong said.

Myth #2: You should only wear a mask if you have symptoms

It’s an incorrect answer. According to Chin-Hong, more than half of all cases of COVID-19 are people with mild symptoms or those who are infected but never show signs of illness.

So-called Silent spreader Responsible for most of the recent epidemics Investigation Found “In addition, such a silent infection alone can sustain an outbreak even if all symptomatic cases are immediately isolated,” the authors write.

“You can also talk, scream, exercise, and sing. [virus-carrying respiratory] Droplets are, in addition to what we are focusing on, coughing or sneezing when someone is ill,” the research found.

Myth 3: Masks lower blood oxygen levels and increase carbon dioxide levels

No. There are many false social media posts that Chin-Hong claims that wearing a mask reduces oxygen and increases carbon dioxide levels in the blood.

In fact, all masks provide proper ventilation.

“Carbon dioxide can come out as safely as oxygen comes in,” he said.

Tests using a device called a pulse oximeter have shown that wearing a mask does not reduce blood oxygen levels. Masks are also safely used by patients suffering from severe lung disease.

Myth #4: Nothing but N95 masks can help limit virus transmission

it’s not correct. The N95 mask is certainly important in certain hospital settings when medical institutions insert a respiratory tube into the patient’s throat.

But for the general public, it is important that most of the wearer’s potentially infectious respiratory droplets do not get into the eyes, nose, or mouth of others.

Masks also help the wearer to prevent infections: Masks when approaching infected people Still filter a significant amount of virus particles.. Inhaling a small amount of virus can lead to disease-free or mild infection. Without a mask, you can inhale large amounts of virus particles, which can lead to serious symptoms and even death.

“Any mask can provide a barrier against respiratory splashes,” Ching Hong said. “Fitness and comfort are more important than concern about what kind of mask to wear in the community.”

However, wearing a mask does not eliminate all risks. To reduce the risk.

“When I give you some cholesterol medication… I’m not saying you’re never going to have a heart attack. Ching Hong said as a comparison.

“That means, in the end, wear a comfortable mask, and don’t worry about what kind of mask you are wearing,” he added.

A face shield with a drape at the bottom can be used instead. This is what LA County officials require from people who make regular contact with others at work but are exempt from wearing face covers because of their medical condition.

Experts also Certain types of N95 masks with vents You can focus your breathing when you escape.

The non-medical N95 respirator has a valve that allows bacteria to escape.

The non-medical N95 respirator has a valve that allows bacteria to escape.

(Photo provided by Brenton Simpson)

These masks are intended to protect the person who wears them-such as construction workers who want to keep them out of dust-to let out a person’s potentially infectious breath. , It’s terrible in a pandemic.

To convert a N95 mask with a vent on the front, just tape the outer vent and cover it.

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