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US FDA approves over-the-counter oral contraceptives for sale

US FDA approves over-the-counter oral contraceptives for sale
US FDA approves over-the-counter oral contraceptives for sale


US federal regulators have approved the country’s first over-the-counter oral contraceptive in a landmark decision to ease access to contraceptives.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved once-daily Opil for sale without a prescription, making it the first such drug to be moved from behind a pharmacy counter.

Ireland-based manufacturer Perrigo plans to start shipping the tablets early next year, and there is no age limit for sales.

Hormone-based pills have long been the most popular form of birth control in the United States, used by tens of millions of women since the 1960s, and until now, all required a prescription.

Medical societies and women’s health groups have been calling for greater access for decades, noting that an estimated 45% of the 6 million pregnancies in the United States each year are unintended.

Teens and girls, women of color, and low-income individuals report higher hurdles to picking up and receiving prescriptions.

Challenges include paying the doctor’s fees, taking time off from work, and securing childcare.

Some people who use other forms of contraception are unable or uncomfortable to seek prescriptions because of cultural stigma or parental opposition.

“This is truly a transformation in access to contraceptive care,” said Kelly Blanchard, chairman of the nonprofit Ibis Reproductive Health, which supported the approval.

“I hope this helps people overcome the barriers that currently exist.”

A light green medicine box with a white circle border on the front and text in the middle

Despite the approval, some concerns remain about Opil’s labeling clarity. (Reuters: Perrigo)

Opil is important for the estimated 15 million American women — one-fifth of women of childbearing age — who are not currently using contraception or using less effective methods such as condoms, said Perigot. He said it could be a new option.

But how many women will actually get access depends on the price of the drug, which Perrigo plans to announce later this year.

Dr. Pratima Gupta of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists said, “The reason many of us have worked tirelessly for years to obtain over-the-counter oral contraceptives is to improve their availability. Yes, and price should not be one of those barriers.” .

Most older contraceptives cost $15 to $30 ($21 to $42) a month without insurance coverage.

Over-the-counter drugs are generally much cheaper than prescription drugs, but they are usually not covered by insurance.

Women’s advocacy groups are calling on the Biden administration to implement federal regulatory changes to force insurance companies to use over-the-counter contraceptives.

Pill approved amid abortion debate

Amid legal and political battles over reproductive health, including last year’s Roe v. Wade reverse trial, FDA approval gives American women a new contraceptive option and undermines access to abortion across the country. repeated.




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