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The sweetener aspartame “possibly” is carcinogenic, says a WHO report. FDA disagrees: Shot

The sweetener aspartame “possibly” is carcinogenic, says a WHO report. FDA disagrees: Shot
The sweetener aspartame “possibly” is carcinogenic, says a WHO report. FDA disagrees: Shot


Coca-Cola began blending aspartame into Diet Coke in the 1980s. This artificial sweetener is used in many products, from diet sodas to low-sugar jams, yogurts, cereals and chewing gum.

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images



Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Coca-Cola began blending aspartame into Diet Coke in the 1980s. This artificial sweetener is used in many products, from diet sodas to low-sugar jams, yogurts, cereals and chewing gum.

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

A panel of 25 international experts has determined that aspartame “may” cause cancer in humans, according to a report released Thursday by the World Health Organization.

In this new classification, This is based on a review of “limited evidence”, no change recommendation Limit daily intake About artificial sweeteners.

“Our results do not indicate that occasional consumption poses a risk to most consumers,” he said. Doctor.Francesco BlancaWHO Director-General for Nutrition and Food Safety at a press conference in Geneva. He said the problem was with the “mass consumers” of diet sodas and other foods containing aspartame. “We’ve kind of raised the flag here,” Branca said, calling for more research.

However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said it disagrees with the new classification, citing evidence of safety. FDA officials said in a written statement that the WHO’s classification of aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” means that aspartame is indeed associated with cancer. No, he told NPR.

The WHO has long set the acceptable daily intake (ADI) for aspartame at a maximum of 40 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day. In other words, a 60-kilogram person could be consuming up to 2,400 milligrams per day, which is roughly equivalent to 12 cans of Coke on a diet, far more than most people consume. increase.

The WHO hasn’t changed its allowable daily intake, but Branca says “it’s just advising a little moderation.” “There’s no benefit,” Branca says, when people take aspartame as a way to avoid sugar and control their weight.

based on Looking back on 2022 WHO currently indicates no clear consensus on whether sweeteners are effective for long-term weight management not recommended to use Non-sugar sweetener for weight control.

Aspartame is 1974 U.S. Sweetener.coca cola started blending In the 1980s, artificial sweeteners were added to Diet Coke and flashy advertising campaigns popularized the zero-calorie drink. the taste of it.But despite its popularity, it has long had skeptics and detractors, and in recent years A small study suggests artificial sweeteners may increase food cravings in some people, change the microbiome. Additionally, several recent studies have pointed to a potential cancer risk, which is why the World Health Organization has embarked on a review of all the data.

Two separate commissions of the World Health Organization have reviewed the evidence on aspartame. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classification system When aspartame was ranked for its potential to cause cancer in humans, it reached 2B, meaning “possibly carcinogenic to humans”.

The agency found “limited” evidence that aspartame can cause liver cancer, based on a review of several studies that used consumption of artificially sweetened beverages as a surrogate for aspartame exposure. We also looked at evidence from a large French study, the Nutrinet Sante study, published in 2022, and found that those who consumed the most aspartame were: 15% increased risk of cancerincluding breast cancer and obesity-related cancers compared to those who did not consume aspartame.

Although the institutions concluded that these were “high quality” studies, they could not exclude the possibility that the results were not due to chance, bias, or “confounding variables,” meaning that cancer increases were not certain. means no. “Aspartame was the culprit. It could be explained by other lifestyle factors or exposure to other carcinogens. So we thought there was evidence of cancer in humans.” “exclusive“Treatment of liver cancer and”Not enough“Analysis shows that other types of cancer also was announced in Lancet Oncology.

A second committee, the Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), also reviewed the evidence and concluded, “The evidence for an association between aspartame consumption and cancer in humans is compelling,” according to a summary published by WHO. No,” he concluded. The group noted inconsistent evidence and determined that an acceptable daily intake should be maintained.

In a written response, the FDA said it disagrees with the conclusion that research supports classifying aspartame as a possible human carcinogen. “FDA scientists have reviewed the scientific information contained in this document. [International Agency for Research on Cancer’s] “A review was conducted in 2021 when aspartame first became available and identified significant flaws in the study,” an FDA spokesperson wrote in an email. Note that we did not raise any concerns about the safety of aspartame and did not change the acceptable limits.”Daily intake…”

Scientists say it can take decades for cancer to develop after exposure to carcinogens, calling for longer-term studies. “Surprisingly, I think very few long-term studies have actually been done,” he says. Dr. William DahatChief Scientific Officer of the American Cancer Society.

People want a simple yes or no answer to whether aspartame consumption increases cancer risk. “There is no evidence yet,” he says. A gray area exists because most studies in people do not actually track the amount of aspartame people consume over time.

One link that warrants further evaluation is whether aspartame can increase inflammation in the body and increase cancer risk. “We actually do our own research in that area,” Dahat says.

Aspartame’s possible association with cancer is much less clear than with obesity or smoking, Dahat said, but it makes sense to watch your intake. “Because of the possible association, it is certainly reasonable to limit intake until more definitive studies are available,” Dahat advises.

The American Beverage Association, a lobbying group that includes Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Keurig Dr. He says it will be reinforced. “Aspartame is safe,” said Kevin Keene, interim president and CEO of American Beverage, in response to the World Health Organization’s review of aspartame.

There is conflicting evidence about whether diet sodas help with weight management and calorie reduction. Research is going in both directions. While the WHO analysis notes a lack of long-term benefits, some studies have shown: Replacing high-calorie beverages with zero-calorie beverages can help.

“For those currently taking diet sodas, the worst possible decision would be to switch to regular sugared sodas,” the doctor says. Walter Willett from Harvard TH Chang School of Public Health. Sugary drinks may increase the risk of obesity and her type 2 diabetes. “The best daily beverages are water, coffee, and tea,” says Willett.

Willett believes the evidence for a link between aspartame and cancer in people is weak, and despite the uncertainty about its long-term effects, people should try to manage their weight and limit their sugar intake. I think there is certainly a role for diet soda for people who are He likened diet soda to a nicotine patch, saying, “While it may help some people transition from addiction, it’s not the best long-term solution.”




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