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These 6 foods may lower your risk of heart disease

These 6 foods may lower your risk of heart disease


  • A new study has identified six foods that may be associated with lower risk of heart disease and improved heart health.
  • Those who followed the healthiest eating plans had nearly a 20% lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • The study also revealed specific details about how exactly each food should be eaten during the week.

Heart disease that is leading cause of death For the people of the United States, it has become a concern for many. So it’s only natural that you want to do what you can to lower your risk of developing heart disease, such as eating the right food. Now, a new study has identified six foods that may reduce the risk of heart disease and improve heart health.

A study published in European Heart Journal examined data from 245,000 people who participated in the prospective urban-rural epidemiology (PURE) study, looking at the foods they ate and their risk of heart disease. Researchers found that people whose diets were high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, fish and full-fat dairy had a lower risk of heart disease and death than those who did not emphasize those foods. discovered.

During a median follow-up of 9.3 years, 15,707 deaths and 40,764 cardiovascular events occurred among study participants. Compared to the healthiest diets, those on the healthiest diet had a 30% lower risk of death, an 18% lower chance of cardiovascular disease, a 14% lower risk of heart attack, and a 14% lower risk of stroke. was 19% lower.

The researchers also pinpointed the most beneficial daily intake for the participants, giving people some impressive lessons. Here’s what the study found and why these foods are so helpful.

What did the study find?

The study found that, at baseline, the following foods were the best for heart health:

  • fruits
  • vegetable
  • nuts
  • legumes
  • fish
  • full fat dairy

But researchers also found that certain eating patterns and meal times worked best. The breakdown is as follows.

  • Fruit: 2-3 servings per day
  • Vegetables: 2-3 servings per day
  • Full Fat Dairy: 2 servings daily
  • Nuts: 7 servings per week
  • Legumes: 3-4 servings per week
  • Fish: 2-3 servings per week

Why are these foods good for heart health?

Recommended foods are mainly: american heart association (AHA) recommends a healthy eating pattern. They include:

  • wide variety of fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains and products consisting primarily of whole grains
  • healthy protein sources such as beans, nuts, fish, seafood, low-fat or non-fat dairy
  • liquid non-tropical vegetable oil
  • minimally processed food
  • Minimize your intake of added sugars
  • Foods cooked with little or no salt
  • alcohol limit or no alcohol

“In general, processed food It makes your heart healthier,” says William Prab, M.D., associate director of the heart cath lab at New York Presbyterian Hudson Valley Hospital. “When you look at heart-healthy foods, they’re generally fresh and contain as few preservatives as possible.”

Of course, the foods researchers have found to be heart-healthy aren’t shocking. “All of the foods listed have been known for their health benefits for generations,” says co-owner Scott Keatley, R.D.N. keytree medical nutritional therapy. “But what this study shows is that the best bet for heart health is to eat all of these foods consistently,” he says.

The food itself is said to have a positive effect on heart health. Jessica Cording, RDauthor of game changer little book. A key feature, she says, is that many foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are high in fiber. “When it comes to heart health, fiber helps regulate cholesterol levels,” she says. “Soluble fiber in a variety of foods binds with cholesterol and escorts it out of the body, so to speak.”

Fiber helps support good digestion, and “it’s a broom for the stomach,” she adds. It also helps keep you feeling full, reducing the risk of inadvertent snacking, says Cording. As a result, the risk of being overweight or obese is reduced. All of these are associated with poor heart health.

Healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, oily fish, olive oil and avocado oil contain monounsaturated fatty acids. lower level Cording points to an increase in LDL (bad) cholesterol. “Many of these foods also contain anti-inflammatory ingredients,” she says.

“It’s actually mediterranean dietsay Dr. Nicole Weinberg, Cardiologist, Providence St. John’s Health Center, Santa Monica, CA. “We are learning that we can get good fats from nuts and fish.”

However, recommendations for full-fat dairy products differ. The AHA specifically recommends consuming low-fat or fat-free dairy products. But Cording says she’s “really happy” that full-fat dairy is included. “I’ve been telling my patients and clients for years that they shouldn’t be afraid of full-fat dairy,” she says. “Full-fat dairy products tend to make you feel fuller. Higher fat content slows digestion, helps stabilize blood sugar levels, and helps you feel fuller longer.”

However, full-fat dairy recommendations are a bit controversial. “Low-fat dairy products are generally recommended because they are low in saturated fat, and a common recommendation to protect heart health is to limit saturated fat,” Cording explains. . “But the research on milk fat and heart health is very complicated.”

Dr. Weinberg also agrees with the full-fat dairy recommendation. “I love the emphasis on whole dairy,” she says. “Many of my patients have concerns about what whole milk does to their bodies, but there is more and more evidence in the literature that whole milk is good for them.”

Keatley says you can also include full-fat dairy in your diet for balance. “The diets included in this study are very low in energy and calories because they are free of full-fat dairy,” he says. “Consuming large amounts of fruits and vegetables can make it difficult to get the calories you need in a day.”

Dr. Prabhu recommends watching how much you eat. “Full-fat dairy products are delicious, but they should be consumed in moderation,” he says. “This may include cheese and milk. It can be high in fat, as long as the serving size is appropriate.”

But Keatley says the “biggest benefit” of this diet for heart health is the increased potassium compared to the traditional Western diet. “Potassium is known to lower blood pressure by allowing the kidneys to excrete sodium,” he notes.

How to eat heart-healthy food

Experts say it’s not hard to eat well to keep your heart healthy. “Keep it simple,” Keatley says. “Balance your meals and snacks with at least twice as much fruits and vegetables as starches and proteins.”

Cording also suggests focusing on “loading your plate with lots of vegetables, lots of whole foods, leaning heavily on oily fish, and limiting red and processed meats.” The goal, says Weinberg, is to focus on incorporating “good, whole ingredients” into your diet.

“If you can tolerate dairy, you might want to include a little bit of high-quality, full-fat dairy,” Cording says. And of course, if you’re not comfortable coming up with a heart-healthy diet that works for you, getting personalized guidance from your doctor or registered dietitian may help.

Colin Miller portrait

Colin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends. is posted. She has her master’s degree from American University, lives near the beach, and she hopes to one day own a teacup pig and a taco truck.




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