Manhattan Beach enforces masks and imposes fines in public
On Tuesday night, the Manhattan Beach City Council drew a line on the beach. When you’re in a public place, you cover your face or face the consequences — you’ll be fined $100 and escalated for repeated violations.
Mayor Richard Montgomery of Manhattan Beach said Tuesday at a city council meeting in Manhattan. “The days of education are over. They need to start wearing facial coverings.”
Orders take effect Saturday.
The Manhattan Beach Council passed the Ordinance with a 4-1 vote on Tuesday, fines $100 for those who don’t wear a mask publicly in the first attack, $200 for the second offense, and subsequent offenses. Approved a plan to issue $350 each. The only negative vote against the order was from Mayor Protem Susanne Hadley. This is because I felt that the fine was too high.
Manhattan Beach’s Ordinance follows Santa Monica’s (first offense $100) and West Hollywood’s (first offense $300) similar similar masking ordinances.
The ordinance of the city was born amid a surge in COVID-19 positive test rates across the county. On Thursday, Los Angeles County public health officials reported 4,592 new cases on Thursday. This is a one day record with a positive test. As of Thursday, Manhattan Beach had 217 cases in its area. One of the first cities in Los Angeles County to have reported a new coronavirus case confirmed in March in Manhattan Beach.
Within days of passing the ordinance, a banner at the entrance to downtown Manhattan Beach spread across Manhattan Beach Boulevard, welcoming people with a message that covered their faces. A-frame signs are posted on the corners of the city center and on the city’s iconic piers, reminding pedestrians that they must wear masks and observe their social distance.
Bold, the city’s approved order is that it “repeats face-covering requirements,” and all people over the age of two should say that when they leave home, when they leave home, when they leave their nose and Requires wearing a cloth mask that covers both mouths. A condition, disability, or disability may prevent you from wearing the face covering. People who are actively engaged in other “water activities” (such as swimming and surfing) are also exempt.
Those engaged in other outdoor activities such as cycling, skateboarding, running, etc. will not be able to find such a curb out for themselves. According to city officials, it was by design. “The goal is to make sure people can wear it whenever they go out,” said George Gabriel, senior management analyst at Manhattan Beach.
“If you see someone riding a bike, stopping, talking to someone all without a mask, how can you get on a bike path 6 feet away from others?” Montgomery said .. “I don’t think that’s possible unless it’s 4am. If you’re on a bike, that’s true.”
Mike Sistoni, a Manhattan Beach police force, said police officers are likely to give warnings and education rather than immediate quotes. MBPD is trying to build partnerships with the community, he said.
When asked for an answer, Montgomery said he believed police officers would use common sense in dealing with face-off crimes. “We want compliance, not money,” said Montgomery. As soon as Manhattan can prove that its citizens adhere to the masked order, Montgomery will believe that his city will be able to more fully resume its small business.
“We have to show the governor that we deserve to open the restaurant sooner. That number will decrease and we can reopen our gyms, beauty salons and yoga studios,” Montgomery said. It was.
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