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‘Thousands’ of cats die in Cyprus, experts warn about feline coronavirus | Animals

‘Thousands’ of cats die in Cyprus, experts warn about feline coronavirus | Animals


thousands of cats died CyprusA more virulent feline coronavirus is causing serious illness, experts warn. Separately, dozens of cats died from bird flu in Poland.

Whether these reports have any connection with the increased number of deaths, and given that many people keep cats at home, there is evidence of an increased risk to people. It raises the question of whether

The Cyprus outbreak involves a feline coronavirus unrelated to COVID-19, which is also circulating in cats in the UK but does not infect humans. The virus usually causes only mild abdominal pain, but it can infect white blood cells and spread the virus through the cat’s body, causing feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a fatal inflammatory reaction in the abdomen, kidneys and brain. There is a nature.

Earlier this year, veterinarians reported a surge in the number of cats suffering from FIP across Cyprus, with three and four PCR-confirmed cases in 2021 and 2022, respectively, but in January. reported an increase to 98.

Last week, Dinos Ayomamitis, president of the Cyprus Cat Care and Welfare Society (PAWS), made a dramatic claim that an estimated 300,000 cats have died from FIP since January, although this was later based on estimates. It turned out to be a rough calculation. About 1 million cats on the island have a mortality rate of 20-30%.

“We have not yet validated these figures,” said Dr Charalampos Atipa, senior lecturer in veterinary clinical pathology at the University of Edinburgh and one of the scientists investigating the epidemic. He said the latest statistics showed a 40-fold increase in the number of cases from a year earlier. “I’m sure they number in the thousands, but to be precise [number] It’s hard to say. ”

In any event, Atipa said the development was “extremely alarming”, noting that more virulent strains were circulating. The Edinburgh team performed genome sequencing to see if the virus had mutated. If so, the pandemic may have indirectly caused the emergence of new species. Because cats can be infected with novel coronaviruses, many cats carry new antibodies that may have facilitated the evolution of existing feline coronaviruses.

Atipa said veterinarians in Lebanon, Turkey and Israel, which also have large feral cat populations, have anecdotally reported similar increases, but there is no evidence of a similar pattern in the United Kingdom or the United Kingdom. Europe. Fewer feral cats and treatable FIP will probably slow the spread of the virus in the UK, but antiviral drugs could cost around £5,000 per treatment.

The British Veterinary Association (BVA) recommends that cats imported from Cyprus should be tested prior to travel and should not be removed if they test positive.

Dr Justin Shotton, Senior Vice-Chairman of the BVA, said: “The case of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) reported in Cyprus is understandably alarming. Although tests are underway to determine if this is a new strain of the virus, the current advice for cat owners is to consult a veterinarian if you have concerns about your pet’s health. Discuss welfare and preventive health care options.”

Meanwhile, Polish authorities are investigating an outbreak of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in domestic cats. As of 11 July, 29 cats from 13 regions of the country had tested positive for H5N1 influenza. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, bloody diarrhea, and neurological symptoms. Eleven of the cats died and another 14 were euthanized.

Sporadic infections with H5N1 influenza in cats have been reported before, but “this is the first time that a large number of cats have been infected in a large geographic area of ​​the country,” the World Health Organization said. .

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Other mammal deaths have also been reported, including pet dogs, farmed mink, seals and sea lions.

“There has been a recent paradigm shift in the ecology and epidemiology of avian influenza, with the spread of avian influenza into new geographical areas and the emergence of unusual wildlife outbreaks,” said Dr. Gregorio Torres, Scientific Director of the World Organization for Animal Health. There is growing global concern because it will cause Bird deaths and alarming increases in mammalian infections. ”

Investigations into the source of infection in cats are ongoing, but possibilities include direct or indirect contact with infected birds or their environment, or eating infected birds or food contaminated with the virus. . Of the 25 cats for which information was available, 2 were kept outdoors, 18 were indoor cats with access to balconies, terraces or gardens, and 5 were kept completely indoors. . Seven of the cats reportedly had contact with wild birds.

The cat’s owner did not appear to have been infected. As of July 12, none of the 70 people who had contact with cats that tested positive for the virus had reported symptoms. Therefore, the risk is assessed as low to moderate for cat owners and veterinarians who have been in contact with infected cats, and low for the general population.

However, as a precautionary measure, the European Food Safety Authority recommends that owners keep cats indoors and dogs on leashes in areas with widespread wild bird flu outbreaks. Global health organizations are also closely monitoring the circulating virus for signs that it is becoming more dangerous to humans.




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