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What is the driving force behind the sunscreen boom?

What is the driving force behind the sunscreen boom?



The sunscreen boom has arrived.

The global value of sun care products in 2020 was $10.7 billion.Already a staggering figure, market analysts say the figure is projected to grow by 4% each year until 2028. at Grandview Research. By the end of the decade, the sector is expected to reach more than his $14 billion.

This growth is at least partially due to changes in the sunscreen market. Gone are the days of sticky white lotions that leave marks on your clothes and give your skin an unattractive glow. The sunscreen formula is fun and designed to be used in everyday life, not just for his two weeks of vacation a year.

SPF is now available as a spray, brush-on powder, whipped mousse, and roller stick to make your daily routine even easier. Sunscreen “patches” warn SPF wearers when it’s time to reapply. The formulas are also skin-specific, with products for acne sufferers, allergy-prone skins, and darker skin tones (led by Black Girl Sunscreen, a brand founded in 2016).

“Sunscreen has not only become the norm, it’s now dynamic, fun and personalized,” says Dr. Luke Maxfield, a board-certified dermatologist and one of the doctors behind the popular YouTube account Doctorly.

They are big companies too. Luxury sun care brands such as Supergoop and Coola have become status symbols and often command premium prices. Millennial skincare favorites Paula’s Choice ($34), Glossier ($25) and Drunk Elephant ($34) have all developed their own luxury daily sunscreens. Celebrities are also in the market. Tennis star Naomi Osaka and musician Pharrell have released their own products, bringing A-list intimidation to a field that was once again an involuntary safety measure, not the usual part of the morning ritual.

Dr. Nana Boakey, a board-certified dermatologist, believes it was social media that spread the message about the importance of protecting your skin from the sun’s rays, which can cause premature aging and skin cancer.

“We’re on our phones all the time, we’re on[Instagram]we’re on TikTok, we have influencers and[dermatologists]pushing the sunscreen message,” Boaky said in a phone interview. “So I think a lot of young people, not just men, have realized this.”

Abigail Waldman, Ph.D., an assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School, said she has noticed changes in patients’ behavior over the past three to five years. In the past, older female patients were most likely to use sunscreen daily, but now people in their teens and twenties also regularly use some form of SPF, alongside older male patients.

“I think there’s more media coverage of the benefits of wearing sunscreen, such as anti-aging and skin cancer prevention,” Waldman said in a phone interview. “That’s the message there.”

Maxfield agreed, saying he’s noticed more talk on social media in 2020 around the importance of using SPF.

“This was a big win for dermatologists because … we had a hard time communicating its importance to the public, especially young people,” said Maxfield. “Social media has succeeded in blending that conversation and making it relatable.”

Research backs this research Published in 2021Scientists found more middle and high school students were wearing sunscreen, a trend the researchers attributed in part to social media.

Sunscreen brand Supergoop, known for products like Unseen Sunscreen and Glowscreen, also attributes the increase in daily SPF use to both increased education about its benefits and the innovative SPF products that now exist. However, representatives pointed out that the brand aims to make sunscreen products fun to use, which is a departure from traditional sunscreens.

“We spend a lot of time dreaming up new and innovative formulas that you really want to wear,” Supergoop representatives said in an emailed statement. “When we bring a product to market, we also want to make sure the experience of wearing it is enjoyable. We know there are serious risks in the sun and it is our mission to ultimately end the skin cancer epidemic, but we always strive to educate and inspire, rather than use scare tactics, to encourage daily sunscreen use.”

Supergoop is best known for their daily wearable sunscreens, but they don’t stop there. Australian brand Ultra Violet has become a global phenomenon thanks to its dedication to developing so-called “skinscreens” (“skincare-style sunscreens that don’t have to be messy to apply,” according to the beauty business website). beauty independent), not to mention perfect and irreverent online tutorials like “How to Wear SPF Over (or Under) Makeup Without Being Sick of Life.”

bigger Youth skin care trends It also plays an important role in popularizing sunscreen. Even teenagers use a variety of serums and formulas to maintain youthful skin. Meanwhile, young influencers on TikTok are parading through multi-step skincare routines, featuring products like retinoids and AHAs touting their role in minimizing the signs of aging. While these products can be beneficial, they also require SPF as they make the skin more sensitive to UV rays.

Still, no serum or specialty cream is more important than sunscreen. As skincare trends rise, many people are becoming more aware of sun protection, Maxfield said. He says that using all the high-end serums and creams and forgetting about SPF is honestly a waste of time.

Whether the boom is being driven by growing interest in preventing premature aging, concerns over skin cancer, or simply social pressure to subscribe to the “fan screen” movement, it’s good to see that regular SPF application is becoming a regular part of many people’s grooming routines.

What a consumer should look for in a sunscreen is highly dependent on individual needs.

In terms of protection, there isn’t much difference between expensive and cheap products, but consumers should look for the term “broad spectrum,” which means a product protects against both UVA and UVB rays, Waldman said.

Boakye and Waldman both stressed the need for an SPF value of at least 30, above which the difference in effectiveness only increases incrementally, and said recommended daily sunscreen use is also important for maximizing skin health, even when confined indoors.

Maxfield said UV rays can affect the skin through windows, and Boaky pointed out that blue light from mobile phone and computer screens can also increase skin hyperpigmentation. But for those concerned only with minimizing their risk of skin cancer, Maxfield recommended avoiding peak hours outdoors when the sun is strongest and applying sunscreen every two hours when outdoors.

Beyond sunscreens, Boakye also looks for active ingredients like green tea, niacinamide, and vitamin E in sunscreens that help prevent puffiness, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and other problems. Melanin-rich skin tones tend to be dry, so consumers may benefit from products that not only protect but also moisturize, she noted. However, these properties can also be more expensive.

Regardless of the type, brand, price or even form of sunscreen, the most important thing people can do is actually and consistently wear sunscreen. Dermatologists say your skin will thank you.




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