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How can I avoid a prolonged COVID-19 infection?

How can I avoid a prolonged COVID-19 infection?
How can I avoid a prolonged COVID-19 infection?


A photo of a stethoscope resting on a tablet with the words 'long novel coronavirus' on it

Q. I was pretty sick with the new coronavirus infection, but I’m feeling a little better. Now I’m worried that corona will last longer. How serious is prolonged COVID-19? How can I avoid it?

A. Unfortunately, some people who have “recovered” from COVID-19 continue to experience symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and sleep disturbances, severely impacting their ability to function at work and at home. This disease is called long coronavirus. People who were most ill when they first contracted the virus are more likely to get sick, but people with mild symptoms can also get sick. Initially, some people (including some doctors) suspected that such persistent illnesses were purely psychological, or even that patients were feigning illness.

Three years later, it is clear that tens of millions of people have been affected by the prolonged coronavirus. Senior economists at Harvard University estimate that the U.S. could cost $3.7 trillion over the next few years to treat post-coronavirus disease. If the millions of people currently affected by the long-lasting COVID-19 remain ill for years—that is, if the long-lasting COVID-19 becomes a chronic disease—the costs are likely to be substantial.

In addition, it became clear that the cause of this disease was a disorder caused by a virus.Two of his 2023 scientific reviews published in journals nature review microbiology and medical frontier These summarize the many underlying biological abnormalities seen in long-term COVID-19 patients, primarily involving the brain, immune system, energy metabolism, heart and lungs.

How can I protect myself from prolonged COVID-19? Vaccines protect against COVID-19, and unless you get COVID-19 first, you won’t get COVID-19 for a long time. But vaccines are not perfect. Some people get a “breakthrough” infection with the new coronavirus despite being vaccinated. Fortunately, a 2022 study was published in the journal. Nature Communications We found that the long-term risk of infection with the new coronavirus is reduced by vaccination.

Two observational studies in 2023 British Journal of Medicine and in JAMA Internal Medicine Researchers found that COVID-19 patients who were prescribed the antiviral drugs nirmatrelvir/ritonavir (Paxlobid) and molnupiravir (Lagebrio) were 25-50% less likely to develop long-term COVID-19 than those of similar age and health who were not given antiviral drugs. Randomized trials are needed to confirm that antiviral drugs truly protect against long-term COVID-19, and such trials are currently underway.

Prolonged COVID-19 is a real and serious problem, but fortunately vaccines and antiviral drugs appear to provide some protection against COVID-19. The National Institutes of Health is committing more than $1 billion to discovering ways to better diagnose COVID-19, treat it more effectively, and ultimately prevent long-term infection—the answers we desperately need.

Image: © Zerbor/Getty Images




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