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Probiotics and their role in veterinary medicine

Probiotics and their role in veterinary medicine


Probiotics are used to treat antibiotic-associated gastrointestinal symptoms (AAGS) such as vomiting, drooling, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea, all of which can lead to reduced nutrient intake. When it comes to treating people, there are indications that probiotics can help people reduce these symptoms, but how effective are probiotics for veterinary patients?

In his talk, “The Role of Probiotics in Veterinary Medicine,” at the 2023 American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Convention in Denver, Colorado, Nicola Lakeman, MSc (Hons), RVN, CertVNECC, CertSAN, VTS (Nutrition), provided a brief overview of probiotics and some of the public’s misconceptions and how to combat them.

Overview of probiotics

Little is known about probiotics and the biome, but antibiotics have been shown to cause damage in patients. Studies have shown that when antibiotics are introduced into a biome, they cause disorders that primarily reduce the microbial diversity present in both cats and dogs. When it comes to treating patients, Lakeman explained that these probiotics used in veterinary medicine have a great synergistic effect.

“Synergism is when two or more elements work better together. So we relate it to something else, and the industry knows that acepromazine and buprenorphine given together are more sedative and analgesic and synergistic than the two given alone,” Lakeman told attendees.

When it comes to probiotics, how do you know which probiotics to recommend to your patients? Veterinary professionals can explain to their customers that when considering probiotics, all labels must include an expiration date, the exact type, the number of microbes in the product, and the number of live microbes in the supplement.2 If the customer has a specific question, the veterinary team should be able to call the manufacturer and have them provide support on the efficacy of the product, preferably a study by a certified researcher.

Misconceptions about probiotics

Mr. Lakeman told attendees that he believed that if you left the Colorado Convention Center and asked someone on the street if fiber was a carb, they would say no. Carbohydrates may play an important role in increasing probiotic fiber in the patient’s diet, so it is important for patients to correct this misconception. Lakeman told attendees that the key to correcting this misconception is to be careful what words and descriptions you use when talking to your customers about fiber in carbohydrates so they can understand you. For example, she explained how clients are concerned that increased fiber may reduce digestibility.

“[Another] that we still have misconceptions [about] When you say you need to make sure you get carbs in your diet, [clients believe] or [carbs] Food is less digestible, and yes, it can actually be a plus in some cases.In some cases, such as constipation, high-fiber foods may be required [because] I want to lower my digestibility. Some meals require high digestibility, but all you need to do is adjust the type of carbohydrates in them,” Lakeman said.

“Some of the digestive diets we have, whether they’re made by Royal Canin, Hills, Purina, or all these types of veterinary diet companies, yes they have carbohydrates, but some of these foods are 96 percent digestible, so they have the right type of fiber and we need to communicate that to our owners,” Lakeman said.

The conclusion is

Probiotics can be an important tool to help keep your pet healthy while on medication, with gastrointestinal disorders, or other medical problems. Customers ask about their pets and what breeds they can give them, so it is important for the entire clinic to learn and understand the various products and treatments available.


  1. Lakeman N. The role of probiotics in veterinary medicine. Presentation Location: AVMA Convention. Denver, Colorado. July 14, 2023.
  2. The power of probiotics. Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine. Published July 7, 2021. Accessed July 20, 2023.




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