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What you need to know about Ozempic

What you need to know about Ozempic


“Oh, oh, oh, oh, a picture of Them… I know…” I find myself humming the advertising jingle to my 1974 hit, “Magic,” without realizing it. You probably know about Ozempic, which has penetrated mainstream consciousness in recent years. The drug is advertised to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in adults with both type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Advertisements featuring the song flooded the television airwaves. And late last year, his TikTok trend endorsing Ozempic as a quick and easy way to trim tummy led to a global shortage of the drug.

The shortage was acutely felt in the region.

“Suddenly, I started seeing this shortage, not only for those who wanted to use it off-label for weight loss, but also for those who legally needed it to control their diabetes,” recalls Dr.

“Many of my patients were pretty upset saying, ‘It’s not for show.’ “But in the last few months, the shortage seems to have cleared.”

Manufactured by Novo Nordisk, this once-a-week injection is a class of drugs known as GLP-1 receptor agonists that help the body release insulin, reduce appetite and improve blood sugar control. The Food and Drug Administration approved the drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes in 2017, but has yet to consider using Ozempic to lose weight. According to Rodbard, Ozempic is currently over-prescribed and non-physicians with prescribing authority are allowing casual use of Ozempic for aesthetic reasons. It’s unclear to what extent that’s happening around Bethesda, she said.

Dr. Rodbard recommends evaluation and treatment by a physician with expertise in managing obese patients. “It doesn’t have to be an endocrinologist’s opinion,” she says. “She can also get treatment from her primary care doctor if he is trained in treating overweight people.”

The price of Ozempic is not cheap at all. A weekly injection into the abdomen, thigh, or upper arm costs about $1,000 a month, Rodbard said, and that cost could well last for months or years.

Ozempic “should be started slowly at a low dose and then increased gradually based on response,” Rodbard said. “It is not for everyone and should not be used indiscriminately.” Consistent physician supervision is important to ensure drug tolerability. Laboratory tests are often done to determine if the expected results are being achieved.

Mild side effects may include nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea and dehydration, says Rodvard. More serious problems are very rare but may include pancreatitis, thyroid tumors, gallbladder disease, etc.

Rodvard hopes that eventually the FDA will approve Ozempic for the treatment of obesity, and then insurance companies will reimburse Ozempic for weight loss.

Meanwhile, Eli Lilly’s drug Munjaro, also used by some to treat type 2 diabetes and weight problems, is being considered for accelerated FDA approval for obesity. Novo Nordisk’s other drug, Wegovy, has been approved by the FDA as a weight loss drug. There is also Revelsus, yet another drug manufactured by Novo Nordisk. It is essentially Ozempic in tablets rather than injectables and shares the same active ingredient, semaglutide.

“The more resources we can give patients, the better,” says Rodbard. “Ultimately, what matters is enabling people to live longer, better quality lives.”

This story July/August issue of Bethesda magazine.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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