Genetic Testing for Alzheimer’s Disease: Should You Get It?
Alzheimer’s disease affects more than 10 percent of Americans over the age of 65. Alzheimer’s Society. As the population ages, more people are considering genetic testing for Alzheimer’s disease.
Although this type of testing can provide insight into a person’s risk factors, it is important to understand both the positive and negative aspects of such testing.How do I know if an Alzheimer’s genetic test is right for me? Our experts Gary Small, Maryland., Chairman of the Psychiatric Department Hackensack University Medical Centertakes weight.
Who Should Consider Genetic Testing?
Although people with no family history of Alzheimer’s disease can develop Alzheimer’s disease, people who have a parent or sibling with Alzheimer’s disease are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Having multiple first-degree relatives with Alzheimer’s disease increases the risk. Genetics can play a role when Alzheimer’s disease runs in families.
If a patient’s family has a high incidence of Alzheimer’s disease, they may be referred to a genetic counselor, Dr. Small said. “You may have a cousin or a father who got it, or a grandfather who got it in his 80s or 90s,” he says. “This occasional example is more likely to be a case of genetic risk rather than a case of genetic mutation.”
Here’s what that means:
- Genetic risk: A person may have a relatively common genotype that contributes to the presence of the disease, but is not sufficient by itself to cause the disease. Unlike mutations, people with genetic risk factors do not necessarily develop the disease.
- Genetic mutation: Gene mutations are very rare and occur when there is an error in the DNA. These mutations occur in situations where approximately 50 percent of families are affected. The presence of the gene is sufficient to diagnose the presence or risk of disease.
Alzheimer’s Disease Genetic Testing Risks
Before undertaking any kind of genetic testing, it is important to understand the risks it may involve.
Dr. Small does not always recommend genetic risk screening. “I don’t think people can get more conclusive information,” he says. “There is also the risk of making people uneasy.”
Some people experience psychological distress associated with knowing about the potential risks to their own health as well as to their family members. For this reason, counseling services should always be considered along with any type of genetic testing. A genetic counselor can help you understand the potential emotional impact of test results and the possible effects of testing.
If you think you may be at risk for Alzheimer’s disease, share your concerns with your doctor. Your doctor will give you advice on what to do next.
Reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease
In addition to genetics, environmental factors and lifestyle also contribute to the overall risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Luckily, many of these factors are under your control.
To reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease, Dr. Small recommends:
- Regular exercise: Exercise is good for brain health, so aim for about two hours of moderate-intensity exercise each week, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or jumping rope.
- Managing stress: Seek professional help for depression and anxiety, as there is a correlation between mental illness and cognitive decline.
- For a good night’s sleep: Try to get enough sleep so that you feel well rested the next day, and seek treatment for sleep-related disorders such as insomnia and sleep apnea that can prevent you from getting quality sleep.
- Consume a Mediterranean-style diet: Although no specific dietary recommendations have been established to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, a Mediterranean-style diet rich in olive oil, fish, and nuts may help maintain cognitive health. There is a nature.
- Stay socially active: Joining a club or volunteering has been shown to prevent some degree of mental decline.
Next steps and resources:
The materials provided through HealthU are intended for general information use only and are not intended to replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor for individualized care.
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