ADHD trauma therapy for adults and children

Just as overeating can strain the digestive system and cause symptoms of indigestion, traumatic experiences can “get stuck” in the nervous system, leading to ongoing distress and negative feelings and beliefs. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy helps individuals heal from experiences that haunt them rather than simply learning how to deal with them.
EMDR Because it targets underlying traumatic experiences that may contribute to symptoms (i.e. childhood abuse, shaming, neglect, bullying, etc.), it may be particularly beneficial for adults with ADHD and comorbidities such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Evidence-based therapies work by engaging several neurophysiological processes. It’s a fancy way of saying that EMDR relies on the nervous system’s natural healing abilities to reprocess painful memories and experiences, ultimately reducing or eliminating debilitating symptoms.1
A key component of EMDR is bilateral stimulation (BLS). Without this the treatment will not work. BLS stimulates both sides of the brain through eye movements, tapping, or listening to alternating sounds. It stimulates similar processes experienced during the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep phase that are essential for memory consolidation. BLS “burdens” or “breaks” the subject’s memory, making it difficult for the client to focus on that memory and removing the negative emotional load from the memory. Clients can recall negative memories without negative emotions.
How does EMDR work?
A misconception about EMDR is that it is a silver bullet and works seamlessly for everyone. it’s not true. For therapy to work effectively, it takes time and preparation. Clients and therapists focus on building coping skills and a safe therapeutic relationship before using EMDR techniques to identify and treat targeted memories.
EMDR therapy consists of a total of eight phases: 2,3
EMDR Phase 1: Client History
The therapist takes a detailed medical history of the patient to make sure they are ready and appropriate for treatment.
EMDR Phase 2: Preparation
The therapist sets reasonable expectations and trains clients in various self-control techniques to maintain stability between and during sessions.
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EMDR Phase 3: Evaluation
Together, the client and therapist identify a memory to work on.
EMDR Phase 4: Desensitization
Clients use BLS to alter trauma-related sensory experiences and associations in targeted memories.
EMDR Phase 5: Installation
Clients identify new positive remarks and associations they have about their experience after their problem is resolved.
EMDR Phase 6: Body Scan
Clients scan their bodies for somatic responses associated with the subject’s memories. If present, the therapist targets this bodily sensation for further processing.
EMDR Phase 7: End
The therapist explains what happens during the session and asks the client to record any disturbances that occur during the session. The therapist also takes time to ease the pain from the session so that the client feels adjusted when they leave the session.
EMDR Phase 8: Reassessment
The therapist evaluates the effectiveness of EMDR treatment.
A typical EMDR session lasts one hour. However, some therapists offer intensive sessions of 90 minutes or even hours. Multiple sessions may be required to process the memory of interest.Customers who experienced complex trauma Several months of EMDR therapy may be required. A client who already has coping skills and isn’t afraid to feel emotions and bodily sensations can expedite her EMDR treatment within weeks. It depends on the client’s goals, the strength of the nervous system, the number of memories that need to be processed.
After a successful EMDR session, my clients typically experience a reduction in distress and clarity associated with negative memories, and report that previously difficult experiences “are no longer bothering me.” They also report reduced memory-related symptoms and increased peace and joy in their lives.
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EMDR for children
EMDR therapy is not only suitable for adults. This is a child-friendly and developmentally appropriate therapy for children and adolescents. The therapist tailors her EMDR treatment to each child’s needs using fun and engaging techniques such as storytelling, drawing, and play therapy to help the child feel safe and comfortable while working through the trauma.
More importantly, EMDR therapy can help children who: ADHD Comorbidities develop coping skills and strategies to manage symptoms more effectively. For example, you can teach relaxation techniques to reduce stress. anxietyimprove your ability to focus and complete tasks, and help develop healthy communication and relationship skills.
It is important to note that EMDR can be an overwhelming and fragile treatment. Treatment should only be performed by a trained EMDR professional and only after the readiness of both the professional and the client.
EMDR therapy reduces anxiety by helping individuals process and release negative emotions associated with traumatic experiences. depressionand PTSD It reduces symptoms associated with ADHD and even reduces some of the symptoms associated with ADHD. EMDR does not alleviate her ADHD diagnosis, but it does help people who suffer from ADHD symptoms live happier and more productive lives. EMDR helps clients develop a more positive self-image and self-confidence and achieve a better quality of life.
To find a certified EMDR professional, please visit:
EMDR Therapy: Next Steps
Member of Rebecca Kasse, MSW, LCSW, RYT emdria.organ emdria certified trainer and consultant.
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1Psychological and physical symptoms resulting from adverse life experiences. (2014). Perm J.
2Shapiro F. EMDR Therapy Training Manual. Watsonville, CA: EMDR Institute. year 2012.
3Menon, SB, Jayan, C. (2010) Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing: A conceptual framework. J Psychol Med of India.
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