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Can you eat raw potatoes?Click here for nutritionist’s voice

Can you eat raw potatoes?Click here for nutritionist’s voice


If potatoes are high on your list of favorite vegetables, you’re not alone.according to US Department of Agriculture (USDA), potatoes rank as the number one vegetable consumed by Americans, closely followed by tomatoes. Part of the appeal of potatoes is their versatility in the kitchen. From mashed potatoes to crispy French fries, there are no limits to the creative ways you can cook and enjoy your potatoes.

potatoes too Provides a variety of key dietary nutrients, contains vitamin C, potassium and dietary fiber. Since many vegetables can be served raw, you may be wondering if it’s okay to add raw potatoes to your dish. Here’s what you need to know about eating raw potatoes.

Is it safe to eat raw potatoes?

Occasionally, eating small amounts of raw potatoes is safe, but the starchiness and bitter taste can be enough to keep you away. If you’re feeling adventurous about eating raw potatoes, ingesting large amounts at once can cause gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting, bloating, and diarrhea due to resistant starch and other compounds such as lectins and solanine.

What happens if you eat raw potatoes?

Raw potatoes are especially rich in resistant starchAccording to a 2022 review, this is “resistant” to digestion, but may offer many other health benefits, including supporting gut health, improving blood sugar control, and weight management. functional food journal. When bacteria break down and ferment the resistant starch in raw potatoes, gas and short-chain fatty acids such as butyric acid are produced. Butyrate helps fuel the cells that line the colon. However, fermenting resistant starch in the gut can cause unpleasant bloating and gas, especially if consumed in large amounts at one time.

Lectins are natural proteins found in a variety of plant- and animal-based foods. Foods with the highest lectin concentrations include legumes, grains, and nightshade vegetables (such as potatoes).the lectin is Known as “Anti-Nutrients” This is because it can potentially interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients such as calcium and iron. Consuming large amounts of lectins at once from foods such as raw potatoes and uncooked grains can cause nausea, upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea. Fortunately, cooking, sprouting, and fermentation quickly destroy lectins. As this 2020 review points out, the health benefits of consuming lectin-rich foods such as whole grains and potatoes far outweigh any potential negative anti-nutrient effects. nutrients. That said, people with autoimmune or digestive disorders should talk to their healthcare provider about whether lectins should be avoided.

Potatoes contain bitter-tasting compounds called glycoalkaloids. Solanaceae And it can be toxic if ingested in large amounts. Potatoes contain two glycoalkaloids, solanine and chaconine. The glycoalkaloid content of potatoes sold in grocery stores is carefully monitored. However, if potatoes are stored improperly and exposed to sunlight, concentrations of glycoalkaloids can reach potentially toxic levels.

Excessive intake of this compound from green or raw potatoes can cause acute solanine poisoning, especially in children. Symptoms are generally mild, such as vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, but may be accompanied by headache, flushing, confusion, and fever. National Capital Poison Control. Solanine overdose has been associated with death, but is very rare. Unfortunately, cooking does not reduce the solanine content of potatoes, but peeling potatoes that have begun to turn green or have sprouted can reduce the solanine content.

3 Tips for Cooking Potatoes Safely

  • Piercing test: Use a fork or sharp knife to pierce the cooked potatoes. Potatoes are fully cooked when there is very little resistance when piercing them and the utensils are dry.
  • thermometer: When the internal temperature of the thickest part of the potato reaches 210 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s hot enough to fully cook.
  • exterior: If you bake potatoes in the oven, the skin will be dry and crispy when the potatoes are fully cooked.

best way to enjoy potatoes

There are no limits to how you can creatively use potatoes in your kitchen.these are crispy bubble fries A viral TikTok trend worth trying.When French fries crave, try these restaurant-worthy menu items Air-fried bagel with curly fries and green onion yogurt dip. Take it to the next level by boiling the roast potatoes first, as we did in this article. Crispy mashed potatoes with feta and dill recipe.


Is it safe to eat raw potatoes?

Raw potatoes are safe to consume in small amounts. However, raw potatoes are also very bitter, and the unpleasant starchy texture is greatly ameliorated by cooking. Cooking also breaks down resistant starch and destroys lectins, so you can eat potatoes without excessive gas, bloating and other potential gastrointestinal side effects.

Are raw potatoes healthier than cooked potatoes?

According to a 2018 review published in American Journal of Potato ResearchRaw potatoes contain almost twice as much vitamin C as cooked potatoes, as heating can destroy some vitamin C. It’s also very high in resistant starch, which may make raw potatoes attractive to those looking to lose weight or improve gut health. Cooking, on the other hand, increases the amount of potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6 in potatoes while destroying lectins, anti-nutrients that can reduce absorption of essential nutrients.

What is the toxicity of raw potatoes?

The toxin in potatoes that can cause disease is solanine, but concentrations of this naturally occurring compound vary widely with potato variety, growing conditions, and storage conditions. Also, the amount of solanine you can take before side effects occur varies from person to person, depending on your weight.

consensus by European Food Safety Authority The toxic dose of solanine is about 1 mg or more of solanine per kilogram of body weight. To put this into perspective, one potato contains approximately 0.18 mg/kg of solanine. However, the risk of exposure to this level of solanine is low.

What vegetables can be eaten raw?

Cooking vegetables (such as potatoes) not only greatly improves their taste and texture, but also reduces the risk of food poisoning when consumed raw. Basically, you can eat any vegetable raw, including parsnips, beets, bok choy, kohlrabi, and other veggies you’ve always enjoyed cooking. Keep in mind that eating too many raw veggies at once can make it a little harder for your intestines to digest raw veggies, which can cause unpleasant gas and bloating.


If you’re feeling adventurous, you can safely eat small amounts of raw potatoes every now and then, which are a great source of gut-friendly resistant starch. But given its bitter, starchy taste and potential for upset stomachs and diarrhea, you might shy away. Cooked potatoes offer as many nutrients and health benefits as raw potatoes without the risk of unpleasant side effects.




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