New Study Shows Omega Reduces Inflammation and Promotes Lung Health
When the hospital was overcrowded and the beds were equipped with ventilators short supply During the pandemic, many got a glimpse of how devastating lung disease can be.
Unfortunately, lung function is not only compromised by respiratory diseases such as COVID-19, but also declines with age.swollen inflammation Because of the diseaseenvironmental exposure, or aging can also partially block the respiratory tract, restricting airflow. Research shows. A new study shows that consuming nutrients called omega-3 fatty acids can reduce such inflammation and slow the decline in lung function. The report published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
“It’s already proven “We knew that omega-3 fatty acids could help prevent cardiovascular disease, but the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on other chronic diseases were unknown until this study,” says Ana Zamora-Martinez, a pulmonologist at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona, who was not involved in the study but calls the findings “important” because it’s “the first study to show the importance of omega-3 fatty acids in maintaining lung health.”
Importance of Omega 3 in the Body
Omega-3 fatty acids, also known as omega-3s, are a type of fatty acid defined by their chemical structure. These are one of the healthy fats known to provide energy to the body and are associated with improved heart and brain health, a stronger immune system, lower blood pressure and improved hormone levels. according to National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements.
The three major omega-3s are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
“It’s important to know that each omega-3 is chemically and physiologically different,” explains Jill Weisenberger, a Virginia-based registered dietitian and author of Prediabetes: A Complete Guide. Our bodies cannot produce omega-3s, so we need to get them as part of a balanced diet or through supplements.
Good food sources of ALA fatty acids are land vegetable oils found in walnuts, seeds, fortified eggs, soybeans, and canola oil. DHA and EPA fatty acids are found in marine resources such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines and herring. “Other seafood contains omega-3 fatty acids, but in much lower amounts,” says Weisenberger.
Both land and water omega-3s are important, but ocean-based fatty acids are more important, says Uma Naidoo, an internist and chief of nutrition and lifestyle psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital. And if you’re a vegetarian or don’t like fish, don’t worry, she says, because you can get these omega-3s through algae-based supplements and fish oil. “Interestingly, the fish we rely on for these essential nutrients don’t produce EPA and DHA themselves, but get them from the algae they eat, which can be eaten as well,” she says.
Getting these nutrients in some way is very important. Especially since most people don’t get enough of it. American Heart Association (AHA) It is recommended To do that, you need to eat fish twice a week, but once reportsays Americans’ omega-3 intake is “horribly low.”
The first study of its kind
The AHA suggests incorporating omega-3s into your diet to “reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke,” but newamerican journal Research shows why omega-3s are also important for the lungs. The lungs supply oxygen to the body, remove waste gases such as carbon dioxide, and play an important role in immune health.
Including past research, Analysis for 2022 As to why some ethnic groups have worse symptoms of lung disease than others, Joint research The device, which provides vital data on chronic lower respiratory tract disease, has previously measured people’s lung health. Other studies have looked at how omega-3s are ingested. affect inflammation Typically, different studies Shows that omega-3s may reduce bacterial lung infections.
However, until now, no solid studies have shown a link between the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s and improved lung health.
How Omega-3s Improve Lung Health
In a new study, researchers demonstrated the link between omega-3’s anti-inflammatory properties and improved lung health in two ways. First, they analyzed blood sample data from more than 15,000 Americans whose health status was followed for an average of 7 years (although many participants were followed for up to 20 years). Such participants were racially diverse, with an average age of 56 he was slightly skewed towards women. By measuring blood samples from all participants, the researchers were able to identify a link between omega-3s and age-related decline in lung function, said Bonnie Patchen, a nutritionist and researcher at Cornell University and one of the study’s authors.
To support their findings, the researchers also analyzed genetic data from more than 500,000 Europeans from the UK Biobank. After also studying specific genetic markers in blood samples from that group, the researchers “found that high levels of omega-3 fatty acids can protect lung health,” says James P. Kiley, director of the Division of Pulmonary Diseases at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
“The dual approach we took is a way of adding rigor to our findings,” added Patricia Ann Cassano, director of the College of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University and a co-author of the study.
Both analytical results show a clear correlation that has not been established before. “This study provides the strongest evidence to date for the link between omega-3 fatty acids and lung health, and highlights the importance of including omega-3 fatty acids in your diet,” Patchin said.
More broadly, the study suggests that other anti-inflammatory foods (tomatoes, vegetables such as spinach and kale, nuts, and fruits such as strawberries, cherries, and blueberries) may also help maintain lung health.
Further research is planned
Despite its strength american journal The study included only healthy adults, not all groups, Patchen said. So the research team is also working to assess blood omega-3 levels in unhealthy people, such as heavy smokers and people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), to see if the same associations seen in the current study apply, she says.
Studies like this “could lead to personalized dietary recommendations for people at high risk for chronic lung disease,” Kiley said.
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