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Smallpox vaccine kit from the US Civil War reveals a historic virus


Along Donna Lou

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Traces of virus strains used to create smallpox vaccine discovered in US civil war

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Virus strain used for smallpox vaccine In the United States, it was identified during the civil war and their genome was reconstructed.

“The successful eradication of smallpox by vaccination demonstrates the crucial importance that practice has had in human history,” Anna, who led a team of researchers to analyze. Dagan says smallpox Vaccination at McMaster University in Canada.

Smallpox caused by Variola virus, It killed about 30 percent of people infected. It was officially eradicated in 1980 after a worldwide concert. vaccination Efforts.


Early protection practices for smallpox involved infecting people with the associated virus and inducing milder cases of the disease that would inoculate them against smallpox. This was usually done by applying infected pus or scabs to cuts on the skin. change..

Duggan and his colleagues collected genetic material from vaccination kits during the US Civil War to identify the viruses that were then used for smallpox vaccination. The team analyzed five kits that are part of the museum collection. These were used by physicians in the Philadelphia area during the mid to late 19th century.

The kit included a lancet, a tin box holding scab material, and a small glass plate for mixing the liquid collected from the blisters of the infected.

The team has reconstructed any genome Virus Present from analyzed scab and dried blister material from 4 kits. In one kit, which contains no direct evidence of biological material, researchers soaked tin boxes in a solution containing enzymes that essentially clean viral fragments without damaging the box.

All five viruses identified were strains of vaccinia virus that are closely related to smallpox and cause cowpox. The viral genetic material was intact and not infectious. Next, the team joined the pieces of the virus like a jigsaw puzzle, referring to the computer algorithm and the gene sequence of the intact vaccinia virus.

The smallpox strains previously identified in the 1940s and 1970s were all very similar, even if distributed worldwide, Duggan says. “The decline in diversity in the 20th century was almost certainly in response to widespread vaccination,” she says.

The study exemplifies efforts to get vaccinated for nearly 200 years before smallpox was eradicated, says Duggan.

See journal: Genomic biology, DOI: 10.1186 / s13059-020-02079-z

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