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Australian study detects SARS-CoV-2 virus in wastewater from airplanes and cruise ships


Previous reports have shown that the virus that causes coronavirus disease (COVID-19), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is found in untreated wastewater. .. Although data are limited, there have been no reported cases of human infection due to exposure to contaminated water.

A team of researchers from Australia’s national scientific institute, CSIRO and the University of Queensland have now discovered the SARS-CoV-2 gene fragment after testing the wastewater of aircraft and cruise ships arriving at their destinations.

Published in Journal of Travel Medicine, The study emphasizes the importance of using wastewater as a means of determining whether an infected passenger has entered a ship or plane.

Image credit: Maridav / Shutterstock

Image credit: Maridav / Shutterstock

New test method for passengers

Researchers said testing sewage could be an additional data source for testing and managing passengers after disembarkation. Fragments of the virus are not infectious, but you may decide that infected people are on board a ship or plane that can narrow down the inspection of passengers.

Many people infected with coronavirus are asymptomatic. That is, they are unaware that they carry the virus. The test helps identify those who have been exposed to and potentially infected by potentially deadly viruses.

“This study shows that monitoring wastewater from large transport vessels with hygiene systems could be a potential supplemental data source to prioritize clinical trials and contact tracking among descending passengers.” The researchers concluded.

“Importantly, sampling methods and molecular assays need to be further optimized to maximize sensitivity. The potential for false negatives in both wastewater and clinical swab tests is due to SARS-CoV-2 infection. It suggests that the two strategies can be used together to maximize the probability of detecting. Among passengers,” they added.

Valuable tools

Testing wastewater can be a valuable tool in determining whether new coronaviruses are lurking among passengers. A new test can determine if any of the incoming passengers are infected with the virus.

“Our science and research community is one of the biggest assets in our efforts to not only overcome this pandemic, but also to help the economy recover from COVID-19,” Karen, Minister of Industry and Science. · Andrews said.

“The ability to test wastewater from planes and cruise ships is another puzzle to help protect the future of travel and the safety of Australians,” she added.

the study

The research team used two virus concentration methods (adsorption extraction with electronegative membranes and ultrafiltration with Amicon) to arrive at the results of the survey, using the wastewater of airlines and cruise ships of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Collected and tested the sample. They also utilized a Gibb assay using reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and RT-droplet digital PCR.

The team detected SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater samples from both aircraft and cruise ships.

Search for COVID-19 hotspots

Finding COVID-19 hotspots helps protect the population of the country as many regions around the world have open borders. During the coronavirus outbreak, many countries have begun to unlock lockdowns to save the economy and help people get back to work. This will also begin the journey of the sky and the sea.

Health experts say it is important to identify COVID-19 hotspots associated with areas and situations where the virus can spread rapidly. These include transportation vehicles such as cruise ships and aircraft.

“Vaccine competition is not the only response to a pandemic. Australian science is helping economic recovery by offering partners like Qantas. Relationships with air travel go back to the 1960s. Today, I Our unique coatings are already protecting our aircraft. It’s great to be able to trust Australia to help us stay ahead of new opportunities while continuing to fly Australia.”

He also added that identifying hot spots where the virus spreads will help keep all Australians safe when people start their trips again.


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