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Coronavirus vaccine: UK government signs 90 million contracts


A photo of a dateless handout published by Oxford University about ongoing research to develop a vaccine that makes people unable to obtain Covid-19.  The vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca and Oxford University is currently in Phase II/III efficacy trials.Image copyright
Oxford University / PA Media

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Currently, there are 23 coronavirus vaccines in clinical trials worldwide, including the University of Oxford.

The UK Government has signed a contract for 90 million doses of a promising coronavirus vaccine in development.

The vaccine is being researched by a partnership between the pharmaceutical companies BioNtech and Pfizer, and the company Valneva.

The new deal is in addition to 100 million doses of the Oxford University vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca.

However, it is still unknown which vaccine is effective.

Vaccines are widely seen as the best opportunity to bring our lives back to normal.

Research is taking place on an unprecedented scale-the world noticed coronavirus early in the year, but there are already over 20 vaccines in clinical trials.

Some can elicit an immune response but have not yet been proven to protect against infection.

The UK government now has access to vaccines that use three completely different approaches.

  • 100 million doses of Oxford vaccine made from genetically modified viruses
  • 30 million doses of BioNtech / Pfizer vaccine injected with part of the coronavirus genetic code
  • 60 million Valneva uses inactive version of coronavirus

Using different styles of vaccine maximizes the chances that one of them will work.

Kate Bingham, chair of the Government’s Vaccine Task Force, said: “The fact that there are so many promising candidates already shows us the unprecedented pace of progress.

“But I urge you not to be self-satisfied or optimistic.

“The fact remains that you may not be able to get a vaccine. If you get a vaccine, be prepared that it is not a vaccine that prevents the transmission of the virus, but a vaccine that reduces symptoms. is needed.”

If effective vaccines are developed, health care and social care workers, as well as workers at highest risk of disease, will be prioritized.

Vaccines may prove effective by the end of 2020, but large-scale vaccination is not planned until next year.

Education Secretary Gavin Williamson told the BBC Breakfast that vaccine development “is an incredibly long process and we are doing it at a breakthrough speed.”

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Media captionsIn April, Elisa Granato was the first volunteer injected in Europe

The announcement also includes an agreement with AstraZeneca to purchase a treatment made with neutralizing antibodies that could kill the virus.

These can be given to people who cannot be vaccinated because they have weakened immunity or are being treated for cancer.

Meanwhile, the government wants 500,000 people to register for vaccine trials in the UK through the NHS Covid-19 Vaccine Research Registration website.

At least eight large coronavirus vaccine trials will be conducted in the UK.

“There are several promising vaccines on the horizon right now, so the chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, recalls public generosity to help find which vaccine is most effective. is needed.”

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