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Oxford Coronavirus Vaccine Safe and Promising According to Initial Human Trial Results Published at Lancet


The study of 1,077 volunteers was described as promising. A report from the British medical journal Lancet suggests that the vaccine looked safe and was able to provoke a promising immune response. A second report on a Chinese vaccine in the same medical journal also showed positive results.

At this early stage, neither vaccine has been proven to protect people from infection or disease.

However, the UK and the US have already ordered millions of Oxford vaccinations, hoping that some vaccines will soon emerge to calm the global pandemic. the study.

The Oxford vaccine, named ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, is a weakened and non-replicating version of cold Virus, adenovirus. The vaccine is Coronavirus It produces spike proteins that the virus uses to enter and infect human cells.

Ah Lancet Editorial “The vaccine race is fast moving because of the obvious need for a solution, but we cannot forget that safety is paramount.”

Infectious disease specialists have seen performance in the era of widespread skepticism, and even the obvious hostility to researchers and scientists, that vaccines need to be widely administered to protect the general public. It warns that vaccines that do not produce or cause serious side effects will slow down efforts.

According to current counts conducted by the World Health Organization, Oxford candidate is one of the 23 vaccines currently being tested in human trials. Over 130 others are in preclinical trials.

The US government has invested $1.2 billion in Oxford vaccine candidates, securing 300 million doses. The UK Government is lined up with another potential candidate’s action developed by Imperial College London for 100 million doses.

The billion-dollar investment and record-breaking pace of vaccine developers are inspiring many people on Earth who want to tame the virus in the new year and restore their lives to normal.

But much about the virus remains unknown. Just last week, British researchers reported that people infected with the virus were more likely to lose protective antibodies against the virus within months, with long-term protection elusive.

However, Oxford studies and other results show that some vaccines can stimulate T cell production that can stay in circulation for many years and can serve as a permanent guardian’s guard against infection. Suggest that there is.

The Oxford vaccine candidate is one of the few that the US plans to test in a large clinical trial later this summer, with approximately 30,000 vaccinated and half unvaccinated ..

In addition to the report from the Oxford Group, there was better news from another candidate vaccine co-developed by Chinese biotechnology company CanSino Biologics and Beijing Biotechnology Institute. Already Approved for use by the Chinese military..

Chinese candidates were tested in 500 and shown to be safe, causing side effects such as injection site pain, fever and headaches. It caused an immune response in most participants. However, the early performance of the vaccine disappointed some scientists, raising concerns that it might already have a reason for many to not work. The human population for the core technology of a vaccine is highly immune. It is a harmless virus used to carry genes that cause an immune response to coronaviruses.

The vaccine caused the production of neutralizing antibodies that could block the virus in only about half of the subjects. 59% of subjects who received high doses and 47% of subjects who received slightly lower doses.

Although some vaccine candidates have stimulated promising immune responses in early human testing, scientists have shown through cross-sections of humanity what level of immune response to real-world viruses protects against them. It warns that no one knows yet if something with existing conditions.

The final proof of whether the vaccine works is a large clinical trial that uses inside-out coins to randomly decide whether thousands receive vaccines or placebo shots. Then check to see if the vaccination group is protected infection or severe illness.

The immune system uses a multifaceted approach to kill all pathogens, but what prevents coronavirus infection is not yet known exactly.

Most people’s attention is focused on antibodies that block and neutralize the virus. Other coronavirus vaccines from biotechnology company Moderna and pharmaceutical giant Pfizer have been shown to elicit antibodies at levels equal to or higher than those who naturally recover from coronavirus infections. I will.

However, there is accumulating evidence that antibody levels may fall rapidly in people who spontaneously recover from an infection, so other forms of immune memory, including T cells, are areas of increasing interest. there is.

One type of T cell, helper T cells, can be compared to “a football coach the coach calls for play,” says Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at Columbia University. “They regulate the immune response of all other cells in the immune system-they are really important.” Helper T cells can direct the immune system to produce antibodies that fight the virus.

There are also “killer” or cytotoxic T cells that can destroy infected cells.

“The role of cytotoxic T cells in improving covid-19 disease is unknown,” said Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “In a sense, it’s a second line of defense.”

Johnson was reported by Boulder, Colorado.

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