Louisville hospital prepares for second surge of COVID-19 cases
The Louisville hospital is preparing for the potential surge in COVID-19 hospitalization as the number of coronavirus cases in Kentucky increases. The state recorded the largest daily total of new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, with 979 new cases reported. Doctors at Norton Healthcare, Baptist Health Louisville, and the University of Louisville Health all attributed to the resumption of the economy and more people leaving home to go to restaurants and other businesses. Dr Jason Smith, Chief Medical Officer at UofL Hospital, said he sees the highest number of positive cases among younger patients. “Patients in their 20s, 30s, and 40s are coming back more positive than they were before than those in their 60s and 70s,” Smith said. “They’re out and doing more, they’re more ill,” Smith said every two days, UofL evaluated whether the hospital should tighten regulations again. I said. “Has the number of visitors changed? Should the facility be closed a bit more to protect staff and family?” he said. A similar conversation is taking place at Norton Healthcare. Infectious disease expert Dr. Paul Schulz said the current number of inpatients in Norton does not reflect an increasing number of cases in the state. But if the numbers soar, the health care providers are ready to implement a surge plan, he explained. “We have plans to best manage surges in terms of beds, equipment and staff, and hopefully we won’t have to put them in place,” Schulz said. At Baptist Health Louisville, Dr. Chuck Anderson says COVID-19 enrollment is already on the rise. “We had an average of 10 to 15 patients last week or so, and actually this morning there were 30,” Mr Anderson said. COVID-19 in Kentucky, Indiana: To keep you up to date and informed, Anderson says these numbers don’t justify lockdowns, but hospitals are watching them closely. Said. “Let’s say we have a 50% increase in patient inflows next week. Probably continue outpatients, but stop the inpatient surgery. Not there yet. It’s in our back pocket.”, he said. .. All three doctors are so knowledgeable about the virus that they are ready to deal with this surge of cases. Schultz said that his experience with treating the virus with body fluids, oxygenation, and the drug lemdesibir has improved health care providers in providing basic care. “Knowing these things we didn’t know in March and April now makes a big difference for us,” he said. A better understanding of how to use personal protective equipment to keep staff safe, Smith said, allowed UofL to experiment with different therapies to treat the virus. “I didn’t know how the disease would spread in the early stages of this process of supply chain disruption. It was a very different environment and it felt very different in the ICU,” he said. Stated. However, he emphasized that the treatment of the virus remains a challenge. “We don’t have a cure, and no cure, so at the moment it’s important to spend time and energy to get the best results.” Smith said. We anticipate that numbers will continue to increase, and it is up to the community to prevent the Louisville hospital system from overwhelming. If we don’t start doing that, more quarantine will have to be done,” he said. Mr Anderson said hospital admissions may not have skyrocketed, but he shouldn’t give anyone a false sense of security. The above.
The Louisville hospital is prepared for a surge in COVID-19 hospitalization as the number of coronavirus cases in Kentucky increases.
The state recorded the largest daily total of new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, with 979 new cases reported.
Doctors at Norton Healthcare, Baptist Health Louisville, and the University of Louisville Health all attributed to the resumption of the economy and more people leaving home to go to restaurants and other businesses.
Dr. Jason Smith, Chief Medical Officer at UofL Hospital, said he sees the highest number of positive cases among younger patients.
“People in their 20s, 30s, and 40s are coming back more positively than they’ve seen before than those in their 60s or 70s,” Smith said. “They are out, doing more, and more exposed.”
Every two days, Smith said UofL is assessing whether hospitals should tighten regulations again.
“Has the number of visitors changed? Should the facility be closed a bit more to protect staff and families?” he said.
A similar conversation is taking place at Norton Healthcare. Infectious disease expert Dr. Paul Schulz said the current number of inpatients in Norton does not reflect an increasing number of cases in the state. But if the numbers soar, the health care providers are ready to implement a surge plan, he explained.
“We have plans to best manage surges in terms of beds, equipment and staff, and hopefully we won’t have to put them in place,” Schulz said.
At Baptist Health Louisville, Dr. Chuck Anderson says COVID-19 admissions are already on the rise.
“We had an average of 10 to 15 patients last week or so, and actually this morning there were 30,” Mr Anderson said.
COVID-19 in Kentucky, Indiana: What’s New and What’s New
Anderson said these numbers do not justify lockdowns, but hospitals are watching them closely.
“Let’s say we have a 50% increase in patient inflows next week. Probably continue outpatients, but stop the inpatient surgery. Not there yet. It’s in our back pocket.”, he said. ..
All three doctors are knowledgeable about the virus and are ready to handle the surge in this case, medical staff said.
Schultz said that his experience with treating the virus with body fluids, oxygenation, and the drug lemdesibir has improved health care providers in providing basic care.
“Knowing these things we didn’t know in March and April now makes a big difference for us,” he said.
A better understanding of how to use personal protective equipment to keep staff safe, Smith said, allowed UofL to experiment with different therapies to treat the virus.
“In the early stages of this process of supply chain disruption, we didn’t know how this disease could spread so well. It was a very different environment and a very different sentiment in the ICU.” He said.
However, he stressed that there are still challenges in treating the virus.
“We don’t have a cure, and no cure for this yet, so at this point it’s just a matter of spending time and energy getting the best results,” Smith said.
Smith said the number of cases would continue to grow, and it was up to the community to prevent the overwhelming Louisville hospital system.
“If we don’t receive significant buy-ins from the community, unless we start doing something to narrow the spreads, more quarantine will have to be done,” he said. The above.
Mr Anderson said hospital admissions may not have surged, but should not give false reassurance to anyone.
“The higher numbers are more deaths, and they say they will last 2-3 weeks,” he said.
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