US Coronavirus: Covid-19 Test Delayed Due to Overwhelming Laboratories Due To Rapid Case Growth
According to one expert, labs across the country are now facing almost “infinite” demands.
“We need to improve our turnaround time, mainly in the areas and counties where it occurs,” said Maj. Gen. Brett Guilloire of the White House Coronavirus Task Force.
Diagnostic labs are seeing the effects of a surge of cases, and a large commercial lab says some patients may have test results that can take up to two weeks.
According to Quest, demand is even higher in the southern, southwest, and western regions of the United States.
To address the spread of the virus, at least three mayors have stated that they will revert to more stringent measures, and nearly 40 states have some type of masking requirement. According to experts, masks are one of the most powerful tools to prevent further infections.
But Osterholm emphasizes Monday, and pulling people apart is just as important.
“It’s all about distance, and that’s what really pushed the numbers down last spring,” he said.
“We made so many distances, and until we do, we can test and track this virus on a routine basis like in other countries and open our economy. You will spend the impossible time down to what you can and safely again.”
Tightening measures
In Texas, Judge Richard Cortez, a Hidalgo County judge, issued a home shelter order to all residents following the surge in incidents and hospitalization. Cortez said Monday that the order, which includes curfew, mandatory travel restrictions, and face-cover requirements, comes as the county hospitals reach capacity.
The judge told MSNBC’s Rachel Madou: “To take care of patients who are already infected with the virus, we have more people, meaning doctors, nurses, technicians, and respiratory technicians. It is necessary.” “Of course, there is a huge shortage of oxygen so far. Ensuring the supply we need is very important to us.”
The Governor, who previously called for one of the most aggressive restarts, has recently emphasized the importance of masks. He issued a power of attorney earlier this month, saying there was no other blockade.
Dr. Deborah Barks, Coronavirus Response Coordinator at the White House, said Monday that all appropriate precautions could be as powerful as another blockade.
“What happens if you use a mask 100% in a public area, close the bar, limit indoor gatherings, or impair your eating abilities,” she said. “When we modeled it, it came very close to the impact of evacuation in place.”
At least 27 states have suspended or rolled back reinstatement in response to lawsuits.
Governor’s office said Monday’s hairdressers and barbers in 33 counties could reopen outside. Dr Barbara Ferrer, the county’s director of public health, said it was because Los Angeles County broke the record of its fourth daily hospital stay in a week. There are currently 2,232 inpatients, about 26% of whom belong to the ICU, Ferrer said.
In Kentucky, officials reduced the number allowed at the reception from 50 to 10 as Governor Sunday announced the highest daily total in the state.
“I tell you right now, Sunday was a rude awakening call. Sunday is a warning, it’s a shot across a bow. If we don’t intervene, we’ll see our destiny here in Kentucky It has also been seen in several other states.”
Governor of Missouri says kids are “getting over it”
Teachers acknowledged that children may not appear to have the more serious complications than adults, but that the virus may be further transmitted when they return home. But President Donald Trump said he was pressured by the governor to reopen the classroom.
Missouri Governor Mike Personson said on Monday that the state would have to move forward sending children back.
“These children have to go back to school,” the governor said during a radio interview on Friday. “They are as low risk as possible. And once they get Covid-19, they-and even when they go to school-are not going to the hospital. They sit at the doctor’s office. Going home, they get over it.”
Three vaccine trials offer hope
Evidence has shown that vaccines are expected to protect people from infection and can generate an immune response that all seem safe.
The results are promising, researchers say, but extensive trials are needed to determine whether a vaccine protects against the virus.
“The response measured in the blood and the absence of serious harm indicate that it may be an effective vaccine against Covid-19,” Stephen Evans, Professor of Pharmacoepidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Tells the Science Media Center about the British Oxford trial.
“It has not yet shown that the disease has been alleviated or prevented. This is a high degree of circulation of the SARS Cov-2 virus, which is a clinical and severe disease in people.”
But even if the vaccine was available today, almost half of Americans couldn’t get it due to lack of trust, said former U.S. surgeon Dr. Vivek Murthy on Monday at CNN. Told.
“We know that the distribution of vaccines is difficult enough. If people are reluctant to accept it because they haven’t built enough public trust, our ability to build herd immunity It will seriously undermine,” Mercy said.
According to Mercy, the estimate is based on surveys already conducted and “is a shocking number and very worrisome,” he added.
CNN’s Matthew Hilk, Rebekah Riess, Jenn Selva, Sarah Moon, Jamie Gumbrecht, Naomi Thomas, Dana Vigue and Jacqueline Howard contributed to this report.
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