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Escape of two more Covid-hit AS Green and Co farms near Malvern after 120 confirmed coronavirus cases


Two more left the coronavirus-affected farm at the center of 120 outbreaks.

Based at Lucrough Farm in Mutton near Malvern, AS Green and Co has left five workers.

A strong workforce of 200 people was told to self-isolate after it occurred earlier this month.

Sum of 73 positive cases confirmed And part of Workers visited the store To Worcester Malvern before the outbreak was discovered.

Left two more Covid-hit AS Green and Co vegetable farms in Mutton near Malvern for quarantine
Left two more Covid-hit AS Green and Co vegetable farms in Mutton near Malvern for quarantine
(Image: Matthew Horwood / Getty Images)

Next Day – July 13th – 3 workers left the farm “without permission” – One of them was positive for coronavirus. West Marcia police involved in the investigation And all three were tracked by the agencies that hired them, “confirming that they were self-separating.”

This week two workers, both of whom tested negative for Covid-19, left the farm despite being told to self-isolate.

Outbreaks have increased to 120 Covid-19 positives.

However, many farm workers retired after the period of self-isolation.

The Herefordshire Council said it continued to work with the farm to prevent outbreaks and limit expansion. The council was aware of the concerns of the population, but said the risk to the general public was “remaining low.”

A spokesperson for the council said:

“The total number of positive cases associated with outbreaks is 120, and tests are continuing that more cases are possible.

“Workers are required to remain on-site and self-isolate to reduce the risk of spreading infections within the workforce and to the wider community.

On 12 July, medical personnel from the Herefordshire Council confirmed a coronavirus outbreak on AS Green and Co in Mathon near Malvern.
On 12 July, medical personnel from the Herefordshire Council confirmed a coronavirus outbreak on AS Green and Co in Mathon near Malvern.

“We will continue to arrange food and essential supplies for our farms and their workers for the duration of our isolation.

“A further two negative workers have left the farm and have been contacted by their employment agency to confirm that they are self-isolated.

“This, in addition to the three people who had left the farm previously, they all confirmed with their employment agency that they were in their own isolation.

“Many workers can finish their period of self-separation and resume their daily activities. These workers can either return to work or leave the farm.

“We recognize that locals are concerned, but the risk to the general public remains low.

“I want people to regularly wash their hands, keep a distance and cover their faces to protect themselves and others.

“If you have a fever, a persistent dry cough, or a loss or change in taste or smell, call 119 to arrange an exam.”

The Herefordshire Council said that whenever a Covid-19 case was identified, the close contact for the case was identified and followed up through Test and Trace. This includes people who may have been contacted by confirmed cases within their community.

Herefordshire Public Health Director, Karen Wright, took a picture with an officer of the Herefordshire Council at the AS Green and Co Rook Row Farm in Mutton near Malvern.
Herefordshire Public Health Director, Karen Wright, took a picture with an officer of the Herefordshire Council at the AS Green and Co Rook Row Farm in Mutton near Malvern.
(Image: Ben Birchall / PA wire)

A group of agricultural workers traveling to the UK were being tracked by private coaches, including some of the workers who continued to work at AS Green and Co.

Another group of workers moved to the scene by plane, taking agricultural workers to the UK. The council said the travelers were being followed up as an additional precaution.

Seventy-six in-flight workers who have moved to other farms in the UK have already been offered tests and no further cases have been confirmed to date.

A Scottish public health partner was informed a group of 63 more workers on the same flight to a Scottish farm so that they could be followed up appropriately.

Last week, Katie Spence, PHE Midland Health Protection Director, said: United Kingdom.

“But we know people can get infected before or without symptoms, which is why we take a preventive approach to follow-up workers who were flying the same confirmed flight. That’s why you have a case.

“It’s encouraging to test this wide range of groups so far that no relevant cases have been identified on other farms.”


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