Research shows cinnamon is associated with glycemic control in prediabetes
“We are looking for a safe, durable, cost-effective approach to reduce the progression of pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes,” Medical Center. This study was published on the Journal of the Endocrine Society on Tuesday.
“Our 12-week study showed the beneficial effect of adding cinnamon to the diet in keeping blood sugar levels stable in prediabetics,” Romeo said. “These findings provide the basis for a long-term, large-scale study to determine whether cinnamon can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes over time.”
Cinnamon, harvested from the inner bark of tropical evergreen plants, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to treat respiratory and digestive problems. While the ancient Egyptians used cinnamon as a flavoring agent during antiseptic treatment, the Romans used it for funeral cremation to mask the stench of burning flesh.
There are two basic types of cinnamon. Ceylon grown in Sri Lanka and Cassia widely produced in China and Indonesia. Cassia has two strong flavors and aromas and costs much less, so most people buy it to sprinkle food in the store.
Romeo believes that part of the problem is that people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes may be taking a variety of medications that can interfere with the findings.
Therefore, he and a group of Korean researchers decided to focus specifically on prediabetic patients who have not yet received drug therapy. According to Romeo, Southeast Asia’s diabetes incidence has risen at a particularly fast pace over the last three decades, so South Korea is also included.
A small, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial provided study participants in Boston and South Korea with 500 mg capsules of cassia cinnamon or placebo three times daily for 12 weeks. In this study, the highly sensitive fasting plasma glucose test was used to measure response.
“Differences between groups “People taking cinnamon did not have as high a blood glucose level as those who took placebo after meals, and they took much less time to return to baseline,” Romeo said.
Pre-diabetes is serious
Pre-diabetes occurs when cells in the body do not respond normally to insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas. Insulin acts as a key, unlocking the cell’s door to allow glucose in the bloodstream to enter and be used for energy, and store the remaining glucose in the liver.
If the cells do not open, the beta cells in the pancreas produce more and more insulin to force the cells to respond. After a while, these beta cells wear out, blood glucose levels rise, and prediabetes develops. If you leave it unchecked, you will have type 2 diabetes.
According to the American Diabetes Association, pre-diabetes is a blood glucose level of 100 to 125 milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg / dL) after an overnight fast. A measurement value of 126 mg/dL or higher means that you have type 2 diabetes.
Pre-diabetes has been around for years and has no obvious symptoms. In fact, according to the CDC, over 84% of people in this condition have no clues that they are at risk.
But yes. Diabetes affects all major organs in the body and can cause renal failure, blindness, heart disease, stroke, and damage to both large and small blood vessels in the body. This can result in impotence in men, sexual dysfunction in women, and nerve damage to the legs, feet, and toes, which can lead to amputation.
Lifestyle measures are the key to preventing the spread of pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes. Experts say that even a slight weight loss, such as 5% to 7% of your weight, can make a difference. For a £200 person, that’s 10 to 14 pounds.
Regular physical activity is also required. A difference can be seen in activities such as active walking for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.
Try cinnamon at home
Science continues to test the true effectiveness of cinnamon, but experts have shown that sprinkling food with cinnamon does no harm and may be a good alternative to sugar, salt, and other flavors that are not good for diabetes. Experts say.
However, be careful not to overuse food or capsules. The most common form of cassia cinnamon can contain relatively high levels of coumarin, a botanical compound that can damage the liver.
A study of 91 cinnamon samples from different stores in Germany found that cassia, a cassia cinnamon powder, was 63 times more expensive than Ceylon powder grown in Sri Lanka. Cassia sticks, which looked like a thick layer of rolled bark, contained 18 times more coumarin than Ceylon sticks, which had a thin layer.
“The bottom line is that cinnamon is the perfect pantry staple, a pleasant spice that can add flavor to foods with minimal calories, giving it an advantage for those who want better control of their blood sugar levels through antioxidant effects. Is that it can bring.
“But we need to look at more research before making solid health claims to link cinnamon to reduce the risk of illness or improve health.”
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