Dedicated Geriatrician, Addiction Counselor: US Healthcare Professional Died of Covid-19 US News
LThe front line Ost is a collaboration between Guardian and Kaiser Health News, U.S. healthcare worker died of Covid-19, And understand why so many are victims of pandemics.
Every week, we record new cases of healthcare workers who die at the forefront of the coronavirus pandemic. Here are their stories:
Vivian Fierro, 58
“She just wanted to know how she could help you.”
Profession: Therapist and group facilitator
Work place: Impact Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center in Pasadena, California
Date of death: April 27, 2020
Vivian Fierro, who grew up in East Los Angeles, was driven. “She raised the bar beyond what [our parents] It was her hope.”
Vivian excels in basketball and has a degree from the University of East Los Angeles. But she also suffered from addiction.
She stayed calm in her late twenties and put her experience to work as a certified drug and alcohol counselor. She also specializes in counseling for LGBTQ clients.
Her brother said she was the sort of person who might offer to pay rent when she heard someone was facing eviction. Fierro traveled up and down the California coast, speaking at large 12-step conferences and small, unobtrusive conferences.
Vivian died at home at Covid-19, and was almost sober for 31 years. It is not known where the virus was transmitted, but after the employee and client tested positive, the workplace was disinfected and disinfected. Her employer did not respond to requests for comment.
“Vivian was thought to be different,” David said, while others who had been marginalized by addiction and sexual tastes taught that it was okay. “She just wanted to know how she could help you.”
– Jessica Klein
Jeffrey Ethan Escher, 72
Geriatrician’s important patient story
Profession: Geriatrician
Work place: Providence Rest in the Bronx, NY
Date of death: April 26, 2020
Jeffrey Escher enjoyed working with seniors. “Helping a man grow older is a perfect explanation of his career,” said his son, Max Escher.
Before Jeffrey died, he sent his son a picture of the personal protective equipment he wore while looking at a patient in a nursing home. They drew a surgical mask and face shield, but Jeffrey expressed concern that his colleagues might not have enough PPE.
“He was always worried about others, not himself,” Max said. Jeffrey’s employer, Team Health, declined to comment.
Jeffrey played in a local jazz band and was actively involved in his temple. According to him, during the Jewish high holy days, he played the ancient musical horn Shofar Obituary..
After the symptoms of Covid-19 in April, he quit his job and took the test. Jeffrey, who lived with his wife Monique Brion, died before the result was positive.
“His idea to be a doctor was to focus on the patient as a whole, rather than on specific parts of the body, and listen to them,” Max said.
– Jessica Klein
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