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Sun-Nursing Home Advocates Voice Concerns About COVID-19, Finance, Residents’ Wellbeing


People representing various interests in the nursing home industry shared concerns about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic at a lengthy hearing on Tuesday afternoon. From inadequate personal protective equipment (PPE) to isolation of the population, to financial problems.

The Public Health and Welfare Committees of the Connecticut State Assembly Information hearing Practically through the zoom.

Among residents of nursing homes in Connecticut, there were 2,831 coronavirus deaths, accounting for 65% of all state related deaths. 384 people were killed in the welfare facility, said Deidre Gifford, who represents the public health department.

Gifford said that in Connecticut’s nursing homes had at least one COVID-19 case in August, compared to 70% in May.

Nursing home staff had a positive test rate of 0.15% as of 15 July, while a general state-wide rate has recently been between 0.5% and 1.5%.

Advocates voice concerns about PPE supply, segregation, and recovery center availability

Rob Barryl, chairman of SEIU district 1199, which represents 6,000 carers in 66 state nursing homes, says workers are not treated as essential, but “too often consumables. Lamented and said he had received the photo. Even in May, some workers were wearing their own sewn cloth masks and trash bags as PPE.

LeadingAge Connecticut President Mag Morelli said that nursing homes are being told to keep PPE inventories for the anticipated second wave, but the supply chain has tightened and the federal government is taking steps to do this. He said he needs to take the lead.

Long-term care ombudsman Myreed Painter of Connecticut said many residents were experiencing weight loss and failure to grow and suffered significant physical weakness due to isolation, ” Mental well-being requires immediate attention.”

If by government order there is no positive test among staff or residents in the test once every two weeks, the facility can suspend the test staff, but the painter is less risky to visit. I said I heard from a resident’s family that I would like to continue testing until.

Gifford said the state has begun a multi-agency process “to establish ways to safely relax restrictions on visits to nursing homes.”

Another problem, according to the painter, is that we currently have little access to confidential complaints. This is because some residents fear retaliation.

Over the phone, several people were encouraged to maintain the availability of COVID-19 Recovery Centers in the state, Governor Ned Lamont appointed four by executive order.

Dona Olefith, director of Westfield Specialty Care in Meriden, said the state said, “We hope the states will continue to monitor the life-saving value and effectiveness of these centers and allow them to recover quickly during the fall revival. ” Keeping COVID-19-positive patients together reduced the chance of spreading the virus elsewhere.

Matthew Barrett, Chairman and CEO of the Connecticut Healthcare Institute Association, urged the country to expand its efforts to fund nursing home staff and resident testing. Current expiration date on August 31..

For state nursing home provider taxes, Barrett called for an extension of the payment plan rather than asking for forgiveness. This is because the nursing home for nursing homes lacks cash flow due to decreased income.

Hard hit and COVID-19 free nursing homes share perspectives

Parliamentarians heard from people working at two facilities who did not test positive for COVID-19, and people from two facilities with high infection rates.

At the Vernon Manor Healthcare Center, COVID-19 has no positive result, manager Angela Perry said. She said the staff received mutual training in the areas of food, housework, laundry and nursing. Staff provided cleaning supplies for non-work use. The family was also able to call the weekly city hall meeting after March 11.

However, Vernon Manor has the same operator as Manchester Manor, which currently has 10 positive patients. Administrator Paul Liistro said 24 staff members had a positive reaction. Nineteen were symptomatic and the other five were symptomatic but did not require hospitalization.

“We did everything Vernon Manor did,” said Liistro, “incredibly ironic,” said Donna Westport’s House of Representatives Jonathan Steinberg, co-chair of the Public Health Commission. It was

“It wasn’t that bad operators got COVID-19 and good operators didn’t,” Barrett said, with a five-star rating, non-profit status, and a history of efficiency. Pointed out that it is not predictive of virus invasion building. Rather, he said the most important factor was what was happening in the surrounding community.

Liistro also responded to a question regarding the treatment of nursing home staff traveling to coronavirus hotspots during their holidays. He said he should be quarantined for two weeks (using paid leave) after the trip and had a negative test on a quick test on the 13th or 14th day before returning to work.

of State hired Policy research firm Mathematica, which reviews coronavirus reactions in nursing homes, will submit an interim report by August 15. And overall fair.

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