How deadly is COVID-19? Researchers may have finally found the answer: US News: Latin Post
Every day there are steady reports of people dying from the COVID-19 pandemic. Six months after the pandemic, countries are still questioning. How deadly is the new coronavirus?
Initially, scientists and health professionals analyzed the outbreak data reported on cruise ships. They also conducted a study involving thousands of people who live in areas considered virus hotspots.
by Wall Street Journal, Studies have suggested that the virus kills 5-10 people for every 1,000 people infected. The study investigated mortality from the total number of infectious diseases. It also includes cases that have not been reported.
Estimates also say that the coronavirus kills more people than seasonal influenza. Although not as deadly as the recently recorded Ebola or other infectious diseases, COVID-19 is more contagious and kills more people.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Estimated 10 cases not reported All cases recorded since May. He also said that the total number of infections is likely to be 24 times the number of cases reported.
What is the difference between the previous reports?
In January, researchers drew a tough picture of the coronavirus threat. The World Health Organization has estimated that the virus can kill 3.4% of infected individuals. According to the reported numbers, for every 100 people infected with the virus, 3 to 4 people die.
In February, a team of researchers led by Dr. Timothy W. Russell published a report investigating Chinese data and an outbreak on a Diamond Princess cruise ship. According to them To reportThe mortality rate due to infection was about 0.6%.
To Early July, The CDC estimated that the mortality rate from infection was 0.65 percent. The health agency is based on reports based on data collected from 26 different studies analyzing infectious mortality rates in different countries.
How does COVID-19 affect other diseases?
New research published in Lancet global health The spillover effects of coronaviruses will significantly increase the number of people who die of other diseases such as HIV, malaria and tuberculosis, he said.
Pandemic disrupts services aimed at controlling and treating disease, according to research co-author Timothy Hallett. HIV, malaria and tuberculosis mainly affect low and middle income countries.
For other epidemics, experts say they avoid having medical attention, fearing they may get the virus. In addition, overwhelmed healthcare systems also faced difficulties in providing services.
1 Investigation We have shown that HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria may have killed more people than the virus itself during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa between 2014 and 2015.
Coronavirus pandemics have already disrupted more than 85% of HIV programs. The tuberculosis project and malaria program were also suspended, Voice of America Report..
Currently, the program is competing to adapt to the “new common sense.” In some areas, HIV patients may receive prescriptions at lockers at local pharmacies. Some pharmacy clubs also allow one to receive multiple prescriptions for others.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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