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Ayurvedic Drink Recipe: Drink These Formulas To Fight Disease During The Monsoon


MY22BMI’s Lead Health Coach, Nutritionist and Founder Preety Tyagi shares a healthy immunity that enhances Ayurvedic drinks and their recipes. Read on to find out more.

The monsoon is here and, unfortunately, with the much-needed break from the cool, cool weather and heat, we have to deal with many diseases that are easily predisposed during the rainy season. And that is why during the monsoon we are asked to pay more attention to health. And now, in the coronavirus pandemic, the importance of immunity and better health is more important than ever. Preety Tyagi, MY22BMI Chief Health Instructor, Dietitian, Founder, Share her Ayurvedic drinks with Pinkvilla readers. She also shared how important healthy foods like turmeric are with three simple recipes.

“When the weather changes, it strains the body and causes many illnesses. The most common are colds and flu, and most Indians catch it during the changing seasons, which makes them immune boosters. Looking back at how our ancestors changed their food at the turn of the season, I identified turmeric as a preventive drug for rescue: curcumin, an antioxidant that gives turmeric a yellowish orange color Has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects-the health properties of the gastrointestinal tract of bacteria, which are associated with the prevention of the growth of cancer cells and the management of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, asthma, eczema and inflammatory bowel disease. I am.”

“The high content of antioxidants and antibacterial agents in turmeric means that it helps reduce the symptoms of colds and flu. Turmeric has an impressive list of nutritional benefits. Turmeric helps manganese, zinc, B-group vitamins and iron to support a healthy metabolism, and is a true superfood because it’s classified as adaptive: environmental toxins, inflammatory It helps the body adapt to stress factors such as food and lack of sleep.”

“Along with turmeric, ingredients such as fresh coconut water, ginger, honey, and black pepper add their nutritional benefits. Therefore, they enhance the body’s immunity to fight infections. It plays a prophylactic role. The first thing in the morning with this immunity-boosting drink not only improves your immunity, it also boosts your metabolism.”

See Ayurvedic drinks and their recipes below.

Turmeric coconut resistant drink

1/2 cup fresh coconut water
1/4 inch knob Fresh turmeric or ¼ teaspoon dried turmeric powder
1/4 lemon
A pinch of pink Himalayan salt
1/4 inch fresh ginger root
1 teaspoon honey
Pinch of black pepper (optional)

Add the coconut water, turmeric and ginger root to the blender and mix.
Once the turmeric/ginger is finely chopped, place it in a jar through a fine mesh sieve.
Add lemon juice, salt and honey to taste. If possible, please dip in nuts such as almonds, walnuts and cashews.

Influenza fighter immunity booster recipe

10 to 12 lemons, halved and made into juice (half to 8 and a half lemons boiled)
Approximately 200 g of sliced ​​ginger, peeled and sliced
1-3 inch turmeric root, peeled and sliced
3 tablespoons honey or agave nectar
1 tsp Cayenne pepper (red pepper powder)
4 cups of filtered water

Put all ingredients in a large saucepan over medium heat.
When it boils, turn off the heat and cover.
Boil for 45 minutes.
Strain a large portion of ginger, turmeric and lemon zest.
Once it has cooled completely, force it into a glass jar for storage in the refrigerator.
To boost your immunity, take 8-10 ounces daily, warm or cold.

Monsoon kada recipe

1/4 tsp roasted coriander seed
Cumin seed 1/4 tsp
1/4 tsp fennel seed
1/4 tsp black pepper
Jagary pieces

Take some roasted coriander, cumin and fennel seeds along with some black pepper seeds.
Grind these spices into a fine powder and store in a closed container.
To make the brew, bring a glass of water to the boil and add 1 teaspoon of spice powder and Jaguar dash.
Drink with tension.

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